the Catholic Church denounces the law authorizing the castration of pedophiles

the Catholic Church denounces the law authorizing the castration of

In a press release published Tuesday, May 14, the influential conference of bishops of Madagascar protested against the law authorizing a sentence of surgical castration for child rapists. A law defended by President Andry Rajoelina as a shock measure. On the Malagasy scene, the Catholic Church becomes the first institutional actor to openly denounce this measure.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Madagascar, Pauline Le Troquier

Is it really through this law that we will succeed in eradicating rape? ? », question the Malagasy bishops. In their press release published Tuesday, castration, unambiguously described as an act of “ torture “, is said to be contrary to human rights and the very principles of the Church. “ The human body, as a work of God, is sacred », detail the religious leaders. “ So nothing and no one has authority over the latter, not even the law »

The Catholic Church of Madagascar regularly denounces bad governance and the socio-economic situation on the island. But in this context of the fight against the law authorizing castration for child rapists, Denis-Alexandre Lahiniriko sees a particularly head-on stance against the regime: “ It’s a political setbackassures the historian specializing in relations between Church and State. Especially since the regime has requested the replacement of the ambassador of the European Union [Isabelle Delattre Burger] because she simply criticized this castration measure. There, we have the impression that the Church stands behind the position of the international community “.

Can the Church bend the government?

Malagasy associations fighting against sexual violence have also denounced a law focused on the perpetrators of rape rather than the victims. Can the involvement of the Church, historically known to be faithful to the regime, push back the power regarding the law? “ In Madagascar, once the Church speaks, the political regimes have always listenedrecalls Denis-Alexandre Lahiniriko. And I do not believe that after this position of the Church, the State really carries out castrations. I don’t believe in effective enforcement of the law “.

Asked by RFI, Lova Ranoromaro, spokesperson for President Andry Rajoelina assures that the regime “ takes seriously » the concerns raised by the bishops and says it is open to dialogue with all parties. Nevertheless, the politician maintains her course and recalls that the sentence of surgical castration has already been declared compliant with the law by the High Constitutional Court.

Deter »

And to add that this sentence aims to “ddeter horrific acts committed against young children ”, whose protection remains “ top priority “. Before the promulgation of the law, the High Constitutional Court requires from the government details on the practical modalities of such operations so that they do not result in ” no acute pain or suffering, physical or moral “.

Read alsoMadagascar: run, walk, cycle to say “Stop rape!”
