the Catholic Church calls for the release of protesters imprisoned since 2021 in Cuba

the Catholic Church calls for the release of protesters imprisoned

The Pope’s envoy, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, asked this Wednesday, February 8 ” the release of Cubans who participated in the anti-government protests of July 11, 2021 “, writing 14 y medio. Request made at the end of his visit to Cuba, specifies the opposition newspaper, which reproduces the words given to the press by the cardinal: “ Cuba must be free from interference “, but must also ensure that ” her children be free men and women “. Beniamino Stella clarified that “ the Pope ardently desires a positive response of the Cuban government.

The state newspaper Juventud Rebelde, who also returns at length to this visit of the prelate, does not speak of this request. He points out that the cardinal came to Cuba on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s trip to the island. And title on ” more than 80 years of closeness and respect between Cuba and the Holy See.

In Haiti, first council of ministers for the High Council of the Transition

In Haiti, the High Council of the Transition (HCT) participates in its first Council of Ministers, two days after its installation, specifies Le Nouvelliste. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Emmelie Prophet Milcé indicated that the issue of security had been addressed during the discussions, and that the HCT would organize a forum on this topic in the coming days. specifying, writing Gazette Haitithat ” all sectors, including those that did not sign the December 21 agreement “, were invited.

In the United States, what future for health programs?

The press looks back on one of the most striking moments of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening: the exchange between the president and Republican congressmen on the government’s health programs. The Hill recount : ” The president suggested some Republicans wanted to get rid of Social Security and Medicare – popularly known as Obamacare, drawing boos from Republican lawmakers. ” So obviously, we agree, we don’t touch it? OK. We have unanimity “replied the president, who at that time” appeared to settle a major political disagreement live on TV », is surprised The Hill. Analysis of washington post : “ Leaders of both parties have become reluctant to discuss potential changes to Social Security and Medicare “.

A change ” spectacular writes the newspaper, compared to what was happening just ten years ago under the Obama administration. According to washington postit reflects both “ the rise of the left in the Democratic Party and the influence of former President Donald Trump on the right, which has reduced the power of centrist lawmakers who in the past have sought to drastically cut health care spending “. And then, says the newspaper, Since Washington last pondered the long-term viability of the two programs a dozen years ago, the baby-boomer generation — whose voter turnout is quite high — has begun to reach l age at which she begins to benefit from these programs “.

The Peruvian-Spanish Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa enters the French Academy

Peru21 say that yesterday, he has already received his Academy member’s sword, forged in steel in Toledo by – precise El Comercio the last artisan who still makes them by hand. The arrival of Mario Vargas Llosa this Thursday is a ” revolution for the institution created in 1635: first, he does not write in French; then, at 85, he exceeds by ten years the deadline for a writer to enter the Academy.

Peru 21 publishes a long defense of the writer, whose popularity is at half mast in his country after a series of scandals – a complaint for harassment from a former lover, a revelation about his lavish lifestyle, an elephant hunt in Botswana, the all coming from a writer with rather right-wing opinions in a Latin America that is now rather left-wing. For the author of the tribune, those who criticize the writer are ” only guided by his opinions – very open to criticism, to punish a work that is one of the most remarkable in the Spanish language “. Title of the forum: Vargas Llosa, the immortal “, the nickname given to the academicians.
