The cat Zelda was shot twice with an air rifle in Lund

Animal abusers on the attack • Matt sounds the alarm: “It’s good that people nearby know”

When Zelda the cat came home bloody a little over a week ago, mother Emma Dacke first thought it was a cat fight.
But it would turn out to be an animal abuser who went on the attack.
– You’ve heard of things like this happening, but it’s a shock when it happens to yourself, says Emma Dacke.

The Siberian cat Zelda, 2.5 years old, was attacked after a normal walk at Folkparksvägen in Väster in Lund last Sunday, which Sydsvenskan was the first to report on.

After the cat came home with blood on one side of its body and behaving strangely, mother Emma Dacke went to the vet. She found out the wound was an entry hole from an air rifle.

– I was shocked, you don’t think that should happen. I thought she had been in a fight. We just wanted her to get well, but then you become afraid that it will happen again, she now tells TV4 Nyheterna.

Not the first time

At the vet, it also emerged that Zelda had been exposed before. On the x-rays, the vet could see an old bullet in the body.

– It was further back and it was completely enclosed.

Emma Dacke reported the incident to the police. The police confirmed that it was the crime of animal cruelty, but the investigation was closed due to a lack of evidence.

The words to the animal abuser: Time to stop

It was not the first time that the vet found similar injuries on cats, says Emma Dacke. Now she wants to urge other cat owners to pay attention and report.

– It is good that people nearby know, if their cats come home injured, that they are taken to the vet and reported to the police.

Today, Zelda is feeling better. Emma Dacke will try to track via GPS whether the cat is in the area where she was attacked. In that case, she can be directed away from there or brought in.

Emma Dacke wishes that neither her cat nor other cats have to suffer in the future.

– Above all, I want this person who has done it to understand that it is a crime. It’s not something you can do, shoot other people’s cats. It’s time to stop.
