The cat Rowdy disappeared at the airport – back home

The cat Rowdy disappeared at the airport back home

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

Four-year-old cat Rowdy disappeared at an airport in Boston three weeks ago.

Several valiant attempts were made in vain to get hold of her – but now her adventure in space is over.

– This morning she finally let herself be caught, says a spokesperson for the airport.

The cat Rowdy, 4, ran away and hid at Boston’s Logan International Airport in the USA three weeks ago.

According to Sky News she must have escaped from her cage at the airport in search of some birds.

Since then, she has managed to escape the airport staff as well as airline employees and animal experts, who have all given in to an attempt to get hold of her.

But now the black, green-eyed cat has voluntarily appeared.

“Whether it’s due to fatigue or hunger, we will never know, but this morning she finally let herself be caught,” said a spokesman for the airport.

full screen Cat Rowdy, 4, ran away and hid at Boston’s Logan International Airport in the United States. Photo: AP

“Such a community effort”

Rowdy must undergo a health check before she is reunited with her family.

– I did not really dare to hope for it. I thought, what are the odds that we’ll actually get her back? But this morning I got a call and I’m just so shocked, says the cat’s owner Patty Sahli, according to Sky News.

– It is such a community effort. We are so grateful to everyone who helped look for her, she continues.

Rowdy’s escape took place on June 24, after Sahli and her husband Rich returned to the United States after spending the past 15 years in Germany.

It was when their plane landed in Boston that Rowdy took the opportunity to dodge from his cage. Her escape led to a massive search, but to no avail.

Sent voice recordings to the airport

In an attempt to get hold of her, both cameras and different types of decoys have been used.

“At least I got a glimpse of Rowdy as she runs around the airport today,” owner Sahli wrote a few weeks ago on Facebook.

In another post, she writes that she provided the airport staff with Rowdy’s favorite candy, and also left various voice recordings to them in the hope of attracting the cat.

Despite many valiant attempts, no one managed to get hold of Rowdy – until now, when she appeared voluntarily.
