The cat poops in the family sink

An unwelcome guest comes to visit the home of Thomas Dahl and his wife in Hjo. Not only that – it also relieves itself in the family sink, something like P4 Skaraborg was the first to report on.

The guest is no less than a black and white cat who started visiting from time to time when the family moved to Sweden about two years ago. Every other day the cat, whom the family chose to call “Rambo”, came to eat and visit.

– We didn’t think about it that much at the beginning, he says.

“It smelled like hell”

Thomas Dahl suspects that “Rambo” lives in the area and it was when the family had been away over Christmas and came home that they suddenly noticed that something was not quite right.

– Then the cat has not behaved and made a mess in the whole house.

Through the family’s surveillance camera, they could see that the cat had broken open the cat flap and, among other things, used the sink as a litter box.

– It wasn’t so funny – it smelled like hell, he says.

Lives under the house

Now the family also suspects that “Rambo” has moved under the house and now that the cold has crept in they don’t want to shut the cat out completely.

– We don’t want to close the cat flap so the cat can’t get any food. If the cat lives under the house and it’s so cold, we don’t want it to suffer, says Thomas Dahl.

To avoid an unwelcome visit from “Rambo”, the family now wishes the owner to come and pick it up.

– We think that the cat lives somewhere else but that it comes to visit from time to time, says Thomas Dahl.

Cat homes can be a solution

In a post on Facebook, he has called for the cat and many people have gotten in touch – but no one seems to fully recognize it. One solution is for the cat to come to a cat shelter if the owner does not show up.

– If we have to catch it and take it to a cat shelter, so be it, says Thomas Dahl and continues:

– But I’m not going to just fix the cat flap and let him freeze to death outside. We do not agree to that.
