The cat Molly had been missing for five years

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

It was when the Broby family went on holiday to Bulgaria that the cat Molly disappeared. They put up notes in the area and searched for weeks. Days, weeks, months and years passed. The family also managed to move and get two new cats.

Then suddenly one evening in December she appeared – after five years on the run.

– It was really fun. I had missed her because she was so very kind, says Dennis Broby.

“Thought it was a joke”

Sabina Broby says that she and her son were sitting doing puzzles when they both received text messages from an unknown number that said: “Are you missing a cat called Molly?”.

– I actually thought it was a joke, until I called and they said they had read the chip, says Sabina Broby.

Is Molly the same?

– She hunted a little more for food in the beginning, when we had breakfast she came and tried to take everything but now it is much better, says Dennis Broby.

See the cat luck in the player above.
