The cat Luffar-Lasse’s gun is number one on Musikhjälpen’s list

12-year-old Luffar-Lasse has over 35,000 followers on the social media platform and the number is steadily increasing every day. He first became famous when he became a tourist attraction at a shopping mall.

Lasse likes to go to his favorite center in Överby in Trollhättan every day, on his own, and greet people. Sometimes he even gets a ride home from the fans.

The cat has managed celebrity so well that he will also be immortalized in a roundabout in the city.

The cat’s gun is number one in Musikhjälpen

The orange-striped farm cat’s bag in Musikhjälpen has become a real talking point.

On Sunday afternoon, it snagged the top spot on the leaderboard.

Charming everyone in his path is no match for Lasse. The 12-year-old celebrity cat has collected over 1.6 million kroner to combat world hunger.
