The cast around Jella Haase and Babylon Berlin stars at a glance

The cast around Jella Haase and Babylon Berlin stars at

The brightly colored action series Kleo about the revenge campaign of an ex-Stasi agent (Jella Haase) has become a hit on Netflix. Not least thanks to the concentrated talent in front of the camera. In addition to Haase, there are stars from Babylon Berlin and The Kangaroo Conspiracy, among others. We have listed the most important roles with their performers.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Jella Haase plays Kleo Straub


Jella Haase as Kleo Straub

First and foremost is Haase herself, who, as a convinced socialist, kills Kleo Straub for the GDR. When she is suddenly thrown into prison and loses her unborn child in the process, she plans bloody revenge. as one of the most famous German actresses of the last five years Haase will be familiar to many. In addition to the Fack ju Göhte films, she was recently seen in the cinema in the grandiose drama remake Berlin Alexanderplatz.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Dimitrij Schaad plays Sven Petzold


Dimitrij Schaad as Sven Petzold

Policeman Sven (Dimitrij Schaad), who saw her last contract killing, is on Kleo’s heels. When the killer shows up again, he wants polish his career with her arrest. Schaad can currently be seen in the cinema as the main character Marc-Uwe Kling in The Kangaroo Conspiracy. Series fans will also know him as Fyodor from Killing Eve.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Julius Feldmaier plays Thilo


Julius Feldmaier as Thilo

Her roommate Thilo (Julius Feldmeier), who, as a West German techno fan, is responsible for plenty of absurd moments on Kleo’s revenge trip conspiracy theories and a pronounced penchant for party drugs juggles. The actor is no stranger to historical German material. For example, he was seen as Otto/Horst Kessler in Babylon Berlin and Eugen Strelitz in Das Boot.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Jürgen Heinrich plays Otto Straub


Kleo (Haase) and Otto Straub (Jürgen Heinrich)

What is particularly painful for Kleo is the role that her grandfather and trainer Otto (Jürgen Heinrich) played in her arrest. Henry is a veteran of German film with a career spanning 60 years. As a GDR citizen, he was expelled to West Germany in 1985 due to his critical attitude (via Der Westen). In the following years he played in Wim Wenders’ masterpiece The Sky over Berlin, among others.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Vladimir Burlakov plays Andi Wolf


Vladimir Burlakov as Andi Wolf

After her humiliating and brutal imprisonment, Kleo tries to reconstruct her life in addition to her desire for revenge. She also meets her ex-boyfriend Andri (Vladimir Burlakov), who has since started a family. Thanks to his role as Thomas Posimski in the TV series Deutschland, the domestic German topic is not new to him either. He made his TV debut in this country in the acclaimed crime series In the Face of Crime.

Cast of Kleo on Netflix: Vincent Redetzki plays Uwe Mittig


Vincent Redetzki as Uwe Mitte

The Stasi does not want to expose themselves to Kleo’s retaliatory action without protection. That’s why she puts killer Uwe (Vincent Redetzki) on her, who, in addition to his moral free-thinking mainly characterized by outbursts of anger. In addition to appearances in thrillers such as Polizeiruf 110, Redetzki is also known for his role as Max in Sommer vorm Balkon.

Podcast: Better Call Saul as Breaking Bad’s second ending

Better Call Saul is a standout series at the end, a reminder of why we loved Breaking Bad so much. We also encourage newcomers to the series with our guest Jonas Ressel from Cinema Strikes Back before we delve deeper.

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