The case of Emilie Meng shook Denmark – now close to a solution

The disappearance of 17-year-old Emilie Meng has become one of the most high-profile legal cases in Danish history. Right now, the trial is underway where a 33-year-old man stands accused on suspicion of, among other things, murdering the 17-year-old.
– These are extremely sadistic approaches, says the journalist and author Tina Frennstedt, who covered the case.

It was on 10 July 2016 that Emilie Meng disappeared in the town of Korsör in western Zealand. On Christmas Eve that year, she was found in a pond in Borup on Zealand, 60 kilometers from her hometown. The case was put on hold and seven years later on April 15, 2023, 13-year-old Filippa disappeared from the same area as Emilie Meng. She was then found alive a day later. All traces led to one and the same perpetrator, a 33-year-old man.

– One of the things that stands out about this case is the serial killer character of the perpetrator. This type of case rarely happens in our latitudes, it is something you hear about in true crime podcasts from the USA, says Tina Frennstedt.

“What couldn’t happen happened”

The police have subsequently received strong criticism for their work in the months and years after Emilie disappeared. Among other things, it was about not taking her disappearance seriously and therefore not putting in proper search efforts.

– The worst consequence is that something happened that must not happen, there were more victims. If he had been called earlier, 3-year-old Filippa would not have had to be involved in this, says Tina Frennstedt.

Was locked up for 27 hours

The man is now charged with murder, deprivation of liberty and rape. He is also charged with having attempted to detain and rape a 15-year-old high school student in Sorø in November 2022, as well as for detaining, raping and attempting to kill 13-year-old Filippa last year.

– It was minutes before Filippa died, she was locked in his basement for 27 hours, says the journalist.

The verdict is expected on June 29 and the last part of the trial will be about Emilie Meng.

– There is a lot of evidence that hasn’t come out yet, it will be very interesting, says Tina Frennstedt.

Today 19:11

The Emilie Meng case is one of Denmark’s most notable

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