The care strike called off – the parties agree

Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions (SKR) says that the parties in the care conflict have accepted the mediators’ offer.
– I think the conflict has yielded results, says Vårdförbundet’s chairman Sineva Ribeiro to TV4 Nyheterna.

“It is very good that we now have a new agreement in place and that the conflict in health care is thus over. The conflict has dragged on for a long time and has put great strain on health care,” says Ulf Olsson, chairman of SKR’s negotiating delegation and Sobona’s association board in a press release.

The agreement follows the mark of 3.3 percent that applies in the labor market. The parties also agree on a declaration of intent regarding working hours.

– I think the conflict has yielded results, says Vårdförbundet’s union president Sineva Ribeiro, and continues:

– We didn’t get all the way. But the agreement means that more people who work inconvenient working hours get a working time reduction of four hours a week at most.

Increased compensation

According to SKR, the new agreement primarily means a focus on the working environment and working hours. It is about shortening the working hours to two hours a week for the employees who work at night.

Employees who work more than 200 hours of overtime also receive higher compensation, with the aim of keeping overtime down.

The text is updated
