the candidates received at Matignon for a meeting on Ukraine

the candidates received at Matignon for a meeting on Ukraine

In France, seven candidates for the presidential election responded to the Prime Minister’s invitation to come and discuss the war in Ukraine at Matignon. They were made aware of the situation by Jean Castex, the chief of staff of the armies and several ministers. These candidates hope that the presidential campaign can be held normally.

With our special correspondent at Matignon, Anthony Latier

The Prime Minister received seven candidates for the presidential election on Monday February 28 for an information meeting on the Ukrainian conflict: Fabien Roussel, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour. All the candidates concerned accepted the invitation, except Nathalie Arthaud from Lutte Ouvrière. Traveling to Reunion, the Insoumis leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon must, according to his entourage, be received at Matignon on his return. It will definitely be Wednesday.

After nearly two hours of meeting, at the exit, candidates were satisfied. ” We had very complete information », Estimates Valérie Pécresse. ” Very useful, very interesting and we must pay tribute to the Prime Minister “, resumes Éric Zemmour. ” Useful, important meeting “Judges Anne Hidalgo again.

Presidential concerns

The government’s information approach is approved. But there are still concerns expressed about the electoral campaign. Yannick Jadot does not want these concerns to be ignored. ” This great democratic moment must take place. It is a necessary, essential debate that the French deserve. »

The government was reassuring. What the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen was waiting for. ” Guarantees have been given to us on the progress “normal” of the presidential election. So it’s obviously important “, she believes.

These fears have not yet been dispelled, however, on the side of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan. ” The Prime Minister gave his good will. But the fact remains that, if there is no campaign, the election will be stolen from the French, because the destiny of France is decided in the few days that remain. “, he assures. In any case, it is again Ukraine that will be discussed on Tuesday in the Assembly where the Prime Minister will speak in the context of a debate with the deputies.

►Also read: The war in Ukraine shakes up the French presidential campaign
