the candidacy of Philippe Poutou validated, the eleven others also

the candidacy of Philippe Poutou validated the eleven others also

The President of the Constitutional Council Laurent Fabius presented this Monday, March 7 the final list of candidates for the presidential election. And they will finally be twelve to compete.

The last straight line will have finally been favorable to him: Philippe Poutou, of the New Anticapitalist Party, obtained, on the wire, the 500 sponsorships of elected officials necessary. He thus joins the 11 other candidates who had already validated their entry into the race for the Élysée.


Third candidacy therefore for Philippe Poutou, like his Trotskyist counterpart Nathalie Arthaud, but also the representatives of the far right Marine Le Pen and Nicolas Dupont Aignan and that of the radical left Jean-Luc Mélenchon. For the ecologist Yannick Jadot, the representative of rurality Jean Lassalle and of course the outgoing president Emmanuel Macron, this is the second presidential experience. And then as newcomers, the communist Fabien Roussel, the socialist Anne Hidalgo, Valérie Pécresse for Les Républicains and another far-right candidate Eric Zemmour.

The race for sponsorships has stirred up the campaign

The race for sponsorships which will once again have agitated the campaign with a mobilization of elected officials in recent weeks. In total, 13,427 signatures were validated by the Constitutional Council compared to 14,296 in 2017 and 14,790 in 2012. A continuous decline linked to the fact that all sponsorships have been public for five years. What several candidates want to repeal, others advocating to stop the transition to citizen sponsorships.

► To read also: Philippe Poutou: “military interventions have never helped people”
