The bus drove with the doors open

The bus drove with the doors open

When the doors wouldn’t close, the bus driver tried to fix them.

Despite the fact that it could not be resolved, the journey continued along Stockholm’s streets.

– I kept an extra eye so that no one fell out, says traveler Pierre, 47.

On Friday morning, the bus started rolling out of central Stockholm. Along the way, the middle doors suddenly stopped working. But the journey continued.

– He tried to turn off the bus, turn it on again and fix the doors, nothing worked. I can’t stand here so I’ll go on, said the driver, says Pierre who went with the bus.

Still drove on

Several passengers were traveling in the bus when the bus rolled past several stops on its way. Pierre, who filmed the event, also works with event security and kept a little extra watch at the doors so no one was hurt.

– I kept a little extra watch so that no one fell out, took on my own little role as event host.

He was on his way to work and describes the whole situation as “strange”.

– But I’m a time freak and hate being late too, says Pierre.

Another traveler who also managed to capture the open doors on film thought it was good that the bus driver drove on.

– It felt a bit continental, says the traveler.

Had to ask the driver to stop

It wasn’t just the doors on the bus that stopped working. The stop buttons could not be used either.

– The driver called out and if you wanted to get off, you had to go up and speak first.

Pierre had to tell the driver when it was time for him to get off. Then the journey continued towards the final station – with open doors.

Aftonbladet has asked SL about the incident
