The bus driver Bengt saved Gunilla’s life – now they meet again

Gunilla Ellström is alive today – thanks to the heroic efforts of bus driver Bengt Ström in mid-March.
When both are now in “Efter fem” Bengt can’t hold back the tears.
– I have never seen myself as a hero, I was a fellow human being at the right time and I could help another fellow human being.

When Gunilla Ellström suddenly collapsed in mid-March, the bus driver Bengt Ström came to her rescue, which was then noticed in Efter fem.

When Bengt stopped the bus at a stop, he saw Gunilla lying on the ground. Thanks to him performing CPR for twenty minutes, her life could then be saved.

Now both are back in the program and Gunilla talks about how she feels today.

– I feel great, and it’s thanks to Bengt, of course, who managed to keep me alive for twenty minutes, and so that I got oxygen to my brain. Thanks to that, I am alive today and am happy and energetic.

Bengt immediately becomes emotional and has to wipe away a tear.

– I don’t know what to say, it’s beyond words, it’s so big that yes, what do you say.

“Thanks to this, I get to experience a summer”

Gunilla highlights the fact that Bengt did not give up, but continued with the life-saving effort.

– He is my hero above all, so that there is no one else, I am so grateful and so happy that he came to life in me. That after twenty minutes to have the patience and strength to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and thanks to this I get to experience a spring and summer this year as well. It is fantastic.

“Never saw myself as a hero”

The reactions after the incident have been positive and have come from several different directions, says Bengt.

– Mainly work colleagues and passengers, mainly those who were on the bus, the passengers at the time. I have received a lot from managers and also from the paramedics who did an incredible job on the spot as well. I’m not alone in that, but they did a fantastic job too. So it is with joint forces that it has become what it has become.

Although many would describe Bengt as a hero, that is not the word he himself wants to use.

– I have never seen myself as a hero, I was a fellow human being at the right time and I could help another fellow human being.

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