The bronze heroes’ gossip from the World Cup after-party in 1994: “When everyone else was sleeping…

In Sunday’s episode of the TV4 production “What a life!” several of the guest of the week are treated Niklas Strömstedts major milestones during the long career. One of these is the WC song “When we dig gold in the USA” which he did together with his former band members in the group GES. When Sweden, as you know, took a bronze during the football World Cup in 1994, this led to the band members getting to join the after-party for the bronze heroes on their way home to Sweden.

“It was such a party”

The evening’s program features two of the bronze heroes, Thomas Ravelli and Thomas Brolin who together with Niklas Strömstedt tells about the legendary party on the flight home and when they landed at home in Sweden and had to receive the tributes of the Swedish people.

– If you’ve ever been to a party and looked at the clock, the party starts at half past eight and then when you look at the clock again it’s half past six in the morning, where did the time go? I don’t remember anything, says Thomas Ravelli about the bronze party.

– And then they had a gin and tonic six in the morning too, it was such a party, Ravelli continues.

“Helped the Pilot”

Tomas Brolin then tells us that he was the only one who didn’t sleep a wink during the flight home to Sweden from the USA. When he is asked what he actually did while awake, he answers:

– I went and woke up, different about lots, I was even inside the pilot’s cockpit and helped them a little, says Tomas Brolin.

The celebration in Rålambshovsparken that took place after the bronze heroes the country describes Tomas Brolin as “A memory for life” while he thanks the Swedish people for contributing to the wonderful atmosphere at the celebration.

Read more: Tomas Brolin’s fortune: Luxurious villa, hot life in Palma and the millions
