The Boys Season 3 Trailer Released!

As an Amazon Original production, the 3rd season trailer of The Boys for superhero fans has been officially released!

Published on Prime Video and having a large fan base, The Boys is a little different from other superhero series and movies. In the series, our heroes struggle with a company that abuses special powers. With the trailer released, the struggles of our heroes will continue in the 3rd season.

The new season of The Boys will meet with the Amazon audience in June 2022. The efforts of our heroes last season will continue this season. As we can see from the shared trailer, the liquid that Vought injects into babies to make them become superheroes in the future is in the hands of Billy Butcher. For this reason, the other members of the team do not go the way of Hughie, but go their own way with brute force as in previous seasons.

We also know that with the new season, a few new superheroes will be included in the series. We see that many more events will occur in the 3rd season. The fact that not many details are included in the trailer seems to have excited the fans of the series.

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