The Boys Season 3 alters a character’s fate to avoid making a big mistake

1657563913 The Boys Season 3 alters a characters fate to avoid

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Another bloody season of The Boys has come to an end. For one character in particular, the chances of survival looked very bad in the meantime: Queen Maeve (Dominique McElligott). After losing an eye fighting Homelander (Antony Starr), it seemed like she would sacrifice herself.

Anyone who has read the underlying comic template should not have been surprised by Maeve’s death. Last but not least she will there beheaded directly by Homelander. Finally, The Boys Season 3 finale revealed that Queen Maeve is still alive, giving the superheroine a happy ending.

The Boys Season 3 changes Queen Maeve’s destiny

As showrunner Eric Kripke revealed in an interview with TV Line, this change was from the comic book template planned for the series from the start.

I never intended to kill Maeve – ever since the beginning [der Serie]. We have deliberately worked towards a happy ending for them, always, for many reasons. First, she deserves it. Believe it or not, The Boys is a moral universe and if you make the right choices, you will be rewarded. [Maeve] deserved a happy ending with Elena.


Queen Maeve and Homelander in The Boys

Elena (Nicola Correia Damude) is an important name when it comes to Queen Maeve in The Boys. The story of both characters was inspired by one Accompanied on-off relationship. Kripke didn’t want to fall into the trap of simply killing queer figures.

I am [der Problematik dieser Trope] aware and agree with the criticism of it. I won’t do that. I admit we play with the trope a bit by making people think that [Maeve] is dead. You’ll yell and get upset at her TV, but then we reveal that she’s having a beautiful, non-superpowered life with her friend.

Aside from Maeve’s story, the finale left many unanswered questions. We’ve already looked at what The Boys season 4 could look like. In any case, there is plenty of potential for a thrilling sequel.

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How did you like Queen Maeves in The Boys Season 3?
