The “bot” Sacha is your confidant for sexual health, anonymously and without taboos

The bot Sacha is your confidant for sexual health anonymously

Small or big worries, Sacha is there “. Who is Sasha? He is the first conversational assistant in sexual health prevention to whom you can entrust all your questions without taboo and without fear of the judgment of others. Artificial Intelligence is at the service of the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

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I’association HF Prevention launch theapplication Sacha, an intelligent conversational assistant exclusively dedicated to sexual health. The idea is that anyone can express their fears and related questions without taboo and anonymously.

Aimed at everyone, and especially young people, Sacha is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Its purpose is to instantly answer all types of questions in a humanized way. Once the application is launched, the user asks his question and Sacha answers him taking into account his language and his emotions. If necessary, Sacha directs him to competent structures and organizations.

“Conversations” with Sacha, a “bot” dedicated to sexual health, are available 24/7, anonymous and free. This artificial intelligence is an initiative of the HF Prévention association, which has been carrying out actions for more than 10 years to promote health and reduce the risks associated with sexually transmitted infections and the AIDS virus. © HFPrevention Health

His artificial intelligence is based on nearly 100,000 interviews with health professionals which were previously recorded and analyzed to arrive at clear and reliable solutions. Faced with often taboo subjects, Sacha represents a serious alternative to family, friends and doctors to answer everyone’s doubts and questions, without embarrassment. Rather than turning to social networks or (more or less) specialized forums, why not contact a “bot” specially trained to answer all these problematic.

Sacha is an initiative launched by HF Preventiona specialized association working for the prevention from sexually transmitted infections, with the support of the pharmaceutical laboratory Gilead Sciences. This service is free and conversations remain completely anonymous.

Sacha is free to download via Google Play (android) and theAppStore (iOS).

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