Shortly before the release of Diablo 4, MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus was able to talk to the creators of the game again. We want to show you part of the interview in advance, because the answer as to which class they would play is quite surprising.
During an interview, I was able to ask Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora and Art Director John Mueller a few questions. The two were in Munich for a pre-release event, but unfortunately we couldn’t be there due to a local tram strike.
Incidentally, Diablo 4 can be played quite well on the train if it’s not on strike.
So we met digitally via Zoom. The conversation was also very entertaining online. As an icebreaker, I asked them what class they would play if they had to play that class for the rest of their lives.
Both gave me very different answers, but even chose my favorite classes at random.
Gameplay for Joe’s Choice Class can be seen here:
Diablo 4: Werewolf Druid vs World Boss Ashava gameplay
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Barbarian is the favorite – But Druid can do more
Joe Piepiora has a clear opinion on which class he would play:
Probably druid because he has the widest range of fighting styles. So it would take longer for me to feel like I was missing something. I love Barbarian, it’s my favorite class. But he’s very focused on melee combat.
If I want to play at range, I have the druid with my storm and earth magic with my elemental mastery. Then I have my companions, can transform to go melee, so for me it would be the druid.
The answer is surprising because druids were by far the worst class in the first test. Many players have complained about how little damage druids deal and how little they endure.
There was a decent buff for the server slam and druids were suddenly not that bad anymore. They’re still further down the tier list of top classes, but they’re not as far behind as they used to be.
For art director John Mueller, on the other hand, the currently best class is his choice:
For me that would certainly be the huntress. I do not know why. I always thought I was a barbarian, but then I realized I love the agility of the class. I love pierce, I love the flurry of arrows, I love blade whirl… I like being flexible.
She’s very assassin-y, the whole move set is brutal with the poison, melting enemies… it’s just fun.
By the way, the two like it very much in Munich and they would like to bring German chocolate for their loved ones at home. It is better here than in other countries where they have been before.
The interview went further to the classes, the balancing and also various decisions about the design of Diablo 4. You will be able to read the whole conversation here on MeinMMO in the coming days.
We were even able to exchange a few words with Joe Piepiora earlier:
The developers explain to us the multiplayer of Diablo 4 – how well can I play with friends?