the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic remains closed

the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic remains closed

6 mins

Luis Abinader persists and signs. During a speech to the nation on Sunday evening, September 17, the President of the Dominican Republic reaffirmed that the border between his country and Haiti will remain closed: “ Our goal is to guarantee security and the national interest, as well as to protect our rivers, our environment and our agricultural production. As a sign of our firm resolve, we suspended the issuance of visas, banned the entry of promoters of the construction of the canal in Haiti, closed the land, air and sea borders and reinforced the military presence all along the border. These measures will remain in force until we obtain a definitive halt to the construction of the canal », declared the head of state.

This is not a conflict between two peoples. Because neither the Dominican people nor the Haitian people want confrontation. What our people have demonstrated is the desire to live in peace. We neither want nor seek confrontation. But we face the uncontrollable people who maintain insecurity in Haiti and who, for their own particular interests, are now also conspiring against the stability of their government and against the security of our water resources. »

The New Diario greet “ determination and courage » by Luis Abinader. THE Listin Diario estimate that ” the total closure of the border is the most appropriate policy to guarantee national security and our sovereignty “. The editorialist continues: “ The president’s responsible decision has the support of a Dominican society that smells the blood and violence that has spread in Haiti, and that legitimately fears that it will spread here. »

But not all newspapers are on this line. Daily life El Dia writing : ” Beyond the nationalist feelings exacerbated on both sides by this umpteenth crisis between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, it is clear that the two countries have more to lose than to gain with the closure of the border. And that there is therefore no other choice than to understand each other and then get along. »

El Nacional is more skeptical: “ The Dominican government conditions the resumption of dialogue with Haiti on the immediate suspension of the construction of the irrigation canal. But who in Haiti could make such a decision, if even the Haitian Prime Minister declares that he cannot prevent this construction. » President Abinaderunderlines the editorialist, could have waited before making such a drastic decision as closing the border, in order to give local business leaders a chance to convince their Haitian counterparts to stop work on the canal. But the Dominican head of state likely came under pressure from ultranationalist groups and his advisers may have convinced him that in addition to defending national sovereignty, closing border crossings indefinitely would have electoral fallout. So, by ordering the total closure of the border, President Luis Abinader has literally crossed the Rubicon of history and placed his political and electoral future in this bottomless barrel that is Haiti. We know how the crisis started, but not how it will end “, estimated El Nacional.

Read alsoDominican Republic closes border with Haiti over canal

Luis Abinader also declared last night that the solution to the Haitian crisis was not found in Haiti, but on the side of the international community. As ” the definitive closure of the border is unthinkable, President Abinader is counting on resolutions at the UN which would allow it to be reopened without him losing face », writes the newspaper Hoy.

Guatemala: President-elect Bernardo Arévalo will file an appeal before the Supreme Court of Justice on Monday, September 18

The objective of this appeal: “ The restoration of constitutional order and the resignation of the attorney general, the head of the special prosecutor’s office, and a judge who are, according to the president-elect, the most visible figures in an attempted coup d’état », explains Prensa Libre. As a reminder, Bernardo Arévalo won the presidential election in August, to everyone’s surprise. This social democrat was elected on the promise of fighting endemic corruption in the country. Since his victory, he has denounced the legal persecution of the public prosecutor against his party, Semilla, which was temporarily suspended.

For the newspaper editorialist The HoraThese attacks are part of a global strategy by institutions controlled by corruption to derail the popular will expressed at the ballot box, a population that has massively opposed the current regime. This dietstill believes The Hora, will continue its efforts to derail the electoral process in order to prevent Bernardo Arévalo from being sworn in as President of the Republic “.

The president-elect addressed all Guatemalans yesterday. In a video posted on social networks, Bernardo Arévalo calls on the population to take to the streets to accompany him, physically or symbolically, when he files his appeal before the highest court in the country.

To all the people who make up this great nation. To workers and employers, to organizations that serve the common good and communities of faith, to prosecutors who devoted their time and energy to defending the vote, to students whose energy and enthusiasm are the fuel of this democracy , a democracy that remains alive despite the attacks of a corrupt minority and putschists! To all people who aspire to live free and who refuse to accept corruption, impunity and authoritarianism: we ask you to join us this Monday in affirming our collective right to govern ourselves without oppression and tyranny. We ask each of you to join us in filing this appeal as an expression of national unity and the defense of democracy », declares Bernardo Arévalo.

If The Hora welcomes the initiative of the elected president, the newspaper has few illusions: “ Supreme Court Justices Are Themselves Part of the Corrupt System “. There is nothing else to do than be in the street, believes the editorialist before concluding: “ Citizens: the time has come. »

Read alsoGuatemala: “Parliament is not at all on the side” of elected President Bernardo Arévalo

United States: a billion dollars to plant trees

In the United States, the federal government is pulling out all the stops. He will spend more than $1 billion to help states plant trees. The objective: to alleviate extreme heat, particularly in large cities, and to fight against climate change. “ This is the largest investment ever made in urban forests », congratulates the Los Angeles Times. According to the daily, “ California will receive around $103 million of this overall envelope. In cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego, the plans are already ready. This will involve improving the urban canopy, especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods. With fewer trees and fewer green spaces, it is the poor who are suffering the most from record temperatures in the United States today. », concludes the Los Angeles Times.
