The book which relaunches the thesis of the assassination of Robert Boulin – L’Express

The book which relaunches the thesis of the assassination of

Please note, radioactive business. In the book Braqueur, mercenary, adventurer (New World), published on March 26, Jean-Louis Rizza recounts his adventures mixing little lacins, big robberies and … state secrets. The former French Connection intends to make revelations on one of the most mysterious affairs of the Fifth Republic. Officially, Robert Boulin, Minister of Labor of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, committed suicide in a pond in the Rambouillet forest on October 30, 1979, weakened by a case of real estate scam. Rizza claims that he has been murdered, as several investigations have supposed for twenty years. If he has not attended the facts, he claims to know one of the authors: Gilbert Molina, formerly of the Organization of the Secret Army (OAS), a terrorist group opposed to the independence of Algeria. His name had never been circulated until then.

Jean-Louis’ father, Joseph, known as “Jo” Rizza, a key figure in nostalgic for French Algeria on the Côte d’Azur, would have given him this confidence. “Before his death, he asked me to tell,” explains Jean-Louis Rizza. I need to free myself from everything I did for him. ” “This work is the fruit of one year of discussions and verifications,” describes the investigative journalist Frédéric Ploquin, ex-great reporter to Marianne And Book feather.

“He gave her a hammer blow”

Jo Rizza, who died in 2014, was a figure in organized crime, one of the chiefs of the Delta commandos, the armed wing of the OAS. The organization claimed several attacks at the end of the Algerian War, including the attempted murder against General de Gaulle in Petit-Clamart, on August 22, 1962. In the early 1970s, he converted as a henchman to the politicians, notably for the far-right lawyer Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour. “The orders most often arrived by my father. When it was necessary to target a specific person, he sent us all the necessary elements, name, first name, address,” writes Jean-Louis Rizza, enlisted since his 19 years in the criminal pharmacy of his paternal.

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A few years later, Jo Rizza warns his son that this aborted contract concerned the deceased minister. “It’s Robert Boulin, I can tell you since he died,” said the former Delta commandos. “It’s the other fucked (sic) who did the job […] He gave her a hammer blow, “he said, according to his son, evoking Gilbert Molina there. And to tell that one of the henchmen responsible for the operation would have boulin in a car while brandishing a police card, true or false.

“Relations followed” with Charles Pasqua?

If his father never said to him clearly where the contract came from, Jean-Louis Rizza quotes as a probable sponsor the future Minister of the Interior: “My father could only have received order from a man, with whom he had long had followed relations: Charles Pasqua.” At the time, Robert Boulin threatened to reveal a scandal of financing the Gaullist party. Pierre MANENTENTI, author of Charles Pasqua. In the shadow of the Republicwelcomes this revelation with skepticism: “Everything suggests that he should not carry Charles Pasqua in his heart, and vice versa. At the time of the Algerian war, Pasqua was one of those who were called the” Barbouzes “, carrying out a war of the shadows in favor of General de Gaulle.”

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Over the years, former OAS and the Civic Action Service (bag) have nevertheless approached. “In May 1968, in particular, members of the two organizations found a common struggle. Certain personalities were at the articulation of the bags of the bag, French Algeria and later of Françafrique”, explains the historian Emmanuel Alcaraz, associate researcher at Mesopolhis and the IRMC-Tunis, specialist in the history of Algeria and political extremes. Jean Taousson, former OAS, journalist at Paris Matchfuture project manager for Charles Pasqua at the Ministry of the Interior, is one of them. Rizza designates him as one of the links and witness to his father’s “relationships followed” with the former senator of Hauts-de-Seine. He remembers also participating in a “lunch” in 1988, on the French Riviera, where Jo Rizza, Taousson and Pasqua were gathered.

Rizza and Taousson, inseparable

Journalist Vincent Quivy, author of the book The lost soldiers. OAS alumni tellcan attest to the proximity of Taousson and Rizza. “I have never really met Rizza alone. Taousson was almost always present,” he recalls. In this circle of oas veterans difficult to break into, Rizza ends up opening. “It was a mercenary at the edge of banditry and politics, evolving in the entourage of Jacques Doctor-someone who looked like Pasqua, but was distant, by his affiliation to the OAS,” he explains. Could he nevertheless have come closer to the minister, to the point of having been entrusted with the organization of a “boulin operation”? “Theoretically possible, but the blood character of Rizza pushes me to say no,” said the journalist. Taousson, on the other hand, was almost a black hand in the service of Pasqua, who never boasted of what he could do. ” Jo Rizza was in prison anyway at the time of Robert Boulin’s death, as his son wrote.

As early as the 1980s, several investigations questioned the Minister’s suicide thesis. Benoît Collombat, journalist at France Inter, has been running out since 2002 since 2002 to dismantle the many inconsistencies of the file, between a first autopsy embedded by a prosecutor close to the bag, a position of the body which does not stick with suicide, traces of blows in silence, a witness evoking Robert Boulin in a car with other people, or mysteriously lost blood analyzes. In the wake of his work, in 2015, justice announced to open a judicial information for “arrest, kidnapping and sequestration followed by death or assassination”.

In September 2024, a new twist: Elio D., a man formerly linked to banditry, assured having attended a conversation in a nightclub in the Paris region, a few days after the minister’s death. Pierre Debizet, patron of the bag, was then present with two other members of his organization. “They have sanded the champagne for having recovered” the compromising files “, they said between them. It displeased Pierre Debizet who told them” Yes, but you killed him, the boss-that is to say Pasqua-had given the order to give him a dance “. The commando chief declared to Debizet” it was an accident, he made a cardiac arrest, he died in our arms, Balanced her in the Montfort-l’amaury ”pond”, said this witness to France Inter. With Mediapart, he will even detail his suspicions on the sponsor: “To be honest, I would not have disclosed anything if Charles Pasqua was not dead. I think it was not the principal, Boulin held explosive files on the RPR of the time. Pasqua gave the order to Debizet, the bag, to put a dance,” he said. Jean-Pierre Lenoir, agent of the SDECE (ancestor of the DGSE), would also have witnessed the scene. As for the two bandits, it would be, according to Elio D., of Henry Geliot, fell by the police as a member of a collaborationist organization under the occupation, and a certain “Leno”.

Could they be linked to Gilbert Molina? Engaged at 18 in the Delta commandos, Molina made prison, before being released in the mid-1960s. On the internet, her name resurfaced on Facebook, in a group of nostalgic for Saint-Barthélemy in the 1990s. Molina settled there and resumed a restaurant there. For his still alive relatives, Jean-Louis Rizza’s claims hold “delirium”. “Rizza is completely crazy!” Flocked Norbert V., another former of the Delta commando. Having refused to appear in the work, man is appointed under this name – “Norbert V.” -, gravitating in their sphere of blackfoot installed on the French Riviera. “I said to Jean-Louis: you leave me outside of all this,” says the one who rejects the accusations against his “best friend”, Gilbert Molina.


According to Norbert V., who explains that he was a time “responsible for the security of Jacques Chirac when he came to the Paca region” (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur), Molina has never been part of the bag. “He was a good guy, who left in the Caribbean to help American federals fight drug trafficking,” he said.

With L’Express, Brice Molina, Gilbert’s son, explains that the dates do not agree: “All I know is that my father was some time the driver of Jacques Doctor, his man with everything. He was all the shenanigans on the Côte d’Azur in the early 1970s. Then he met my mother and he calmed down. In his troubles – what he did. ” Impossible according to him, therefore, that he found himself in metropolitan France in 1979, at the time of the death of Robert Boulin. But in the work of Jean-Louis Rizza, the installation of Molina in Saint-Barthélemy is not incompatible with his possible involvement in the death of Robert Boulin. Because the ex-oas did, assures the author, regular round trips in mainland France. Forty-six years later, the file still contains many gray areas.

