The bonus will be paid this week: how to benefit from nearly 600 euros in aid from the Caf?

The bonus will be paid this week how to benefit

The activity bonus, the next payment of which takes place on September 5, can allow you to receive up to 595 euros per month. This premium allocated to those over 18 depends on certain conditions, in particular your professional activity. Here are the steps to apply.

Persons over the age of 18 may, under certain conditions, benefit from the activity bonus, which supplements your professional income. This aid is paid on the 5th of the month by the Caf or the MSA (if you depend on the agricultural scheme). Here are the conditions and the steps to take to benefit from it:

Am I eligible for the Caf activity bonus?

You can benefit from the activity bonus under certain resource conditions and depending on your situation:

  • You carry out a professional activity as an employee or self-employed,
  • or you are compensated for partial unemployment or technical unemployment
  • Are you older than 18
  • Your income is modest (monthly ceiling: 1787 euros)
  • You live in France permanently
  • If you are a student or apprentice, you must have a net monthly income before tax of more than 1070.78 euros.

What is the amount of the activity bonus?

The lump sum (basic amount for calculating the activity bonus) is equal to 595.25 euros, specifies the site of the French administration. This basic amount depends on several elements, in particular the composition of the household and the number of dependent children, to which is added 61% of the amount of the household’s income, as well as the household’s resources. Note that the amount of the premium can also be increased according to professional income. Finally, an increase is also provided for single parents.

► Here a simulator allowing you to check if you are entitled to the activity bonus as well as the amount you could receive. Note that the activity bonus is not paid when the amount is less than 15 euros.

The process is done online on the website Once your request has been made, you will have to wait for the favorable opinion of the CAF in order to collect the amount on your account from the 1st day of the month during which you submitted your request. The activity bonus is paid on the 5th of the month. For example, the activity bonus for the month of August is paid on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

How long can the activity bonus be paid?

The activity bonus is paid to you as long as your resources and your situation meet all the conditions of allocation, specifies the Caf. On the other hand, the amount granted to you is fixed for a period of three months. Depending on your situation, you will have to declare your resources online every quarter in order to make a new request which will be reassessed each time.
