The blue shorts were a set win, but there is plenty to do – even knee injuries can be avoided with changes

The blue shorts were a set win but there is

Changing the color of the shorts of the English women’s national football team from white to blue may sound like a small thing, but the truth is different, writes Urheilu’s Hinni Hirvonen.

Alexia Putellas, Beth Mead, Vivianne Miedema and at least 54 others.

So many female players from the six top leagues in the world (you will switch to another service) suffered a knee injury last year.

According to research, knee injuries are six times more likely for women playing soccer than for male players.

However, research information on the subject is limited, as the majority of sports and exercise studies have examined male athletes. According to Skysports, only studies focusing on female athletes (you will switch to another service) is approximately six percent of all.

Menstrual cycle has been suggested as one reason – injuries are more common at a certain time of the cycle. On the other hand, those made from little ones you have received conflicting information from the studies (you switch to another service): some athletes’ performance is slightly lower at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, while others feel that their performance is at their peak then.

Read more: A surprising connection found between menstruation and knee injuries – monitoring the menstrual cycle is becoming a global sports trend, and Finland has been among the first to wake up to it

According to a recent British study, the reason may also be the wrong type of equipment. A researcher who is familiar with soccer shoes Katrine Okholm Krygerin female players playing in shoes designed for men have a higher risk of knee injuries, SVT reported on Wednesday. (you switch to another service)

Although the number of women playing soccer is growing rapidly in Finland and around the world, most of the equipment is still designed for men – so are soccer shoes. The risk increases for women, because the power output is different from that of men.

One set win was seen at the beginning of the week, when The English women’s national football team got blue shorts instead of white (you go to another service). The decision was made at the initiative of the players.

At the same time, the sports giant Nike, which manufactured the game uniforms, said that all its game uniforms use technology that protects against leaks.

Changing your white shorts to blue may sound like a small thing.

Any woman whose game outfit has included white shorts at some point knows that it isn’t. Those who don’t have personal experience can think about how it affects the preparation for the match at the top level, when in addition to focusing on the match, you have to consider that a possible leak would be noticed by millions of TV viewers at best.

Now, at least the English players, who will appear in their new uniforms for the first time against Brazil, won’t have to worry about that on Thursday in the full Wembley football stadium.

English star Beth Mead, who criticized the white shorts in the summer, is sidelined for the national matches in April due to a knee injury and is still struggling desperately to get fit for the summer World Cup. Mead is also criticized the attitude of female soccer players towards knee injuries (you will switch to another service).

– If this were to happen For Messi, For Ronaldo or For Griezmannmuch more would have been done for things already, Mead charged.

However, while waiting for research data, things can already be promoted. For example, by updating equipment to be suitable for women as well.

The England women’s national football team, who won the European Championship gold in the summer, will meet the South American champions Brazil at a sold-out London Wembley on Thursday, April 6. Broadcast at Areena from 21:40.
