Zombie films are rarely produced with blockbuster budgets because horror productions only reach one adult audience due to their age rating. In 2013, Paramount nevertheless attempted the zombie apocalypse To transform into a summer blockbuster. You can watch the result on TV today.
World War Z is the title of the zombie horror crash, who brought the living dead to the big screen ten years ago and was supposed to break box office records. In the production However, a lot went wrongfrom creative differences to extensive subsequent shoots to an exploded budget.
Zombie horror today on TV: The end of World was z was completely changed
In World War Z we follow the Gerry Lane, embodied by Brad Pitt, who tries to save his family in a pandemic. Suddenly all people around him turn into hungry undead. A struggle for survival follows that Around the planet leads and ends in a facility of the World Health Organization.
Here you can see the trailer for World was z:
Originally, World was Z a completely different end. The third act was re -shot to adapt the film of the studio’s vision. There are many scenes that we will probably never see, including a 12-minute Zombie battle with a bearded Brad Pitt in the icy Moscow, which is controlled by a brutal regime (via vanity fair).
The original version strikes a darker tone and runs out for the moment when Gerry with his ally The Oregon coast storms. There he hopes to find his family. Before the time has come, however, he has to go through another bloodbath. For this version of World was, fans have been waiting in vain for over a decade. So far there are no signs that it is ever published.
Does the story continue anyway? Since the theatrical release of the first part, there have been reports and rumors for a possible sequel. The project was most specifically David Fincher committed as director became. In the end, the World was Z 2. In February 2019, Paramount pulled the plug and completely stopped the development after a long time.
Zombie blockbuster: When is World Was Z on TV?
World War Z is running tonight on March 9, 2025 at 10:40 p.m. on Sat.1. With advertising, the broadcast goes until 01:00 a.m. You can see the repetition a week later. Sat.1 shows the film again on March 16, 2025 at 1:10 a.m. Alternatively, the film is at Paramount+ in streaming subscription.
This article was first published in a similar form in August 2023 at Moviepilot.