The biggest sci-fi reunion of 2023 starts Friday on Amazon & Paramount+ – and we’ve had to wait 21 years for it

The biggest sci fi reunion of 2023 starts Friday on Amazon

For Trekkies and other sci-fi fans, this week is full of nostalgia. Because for the first time in 21 years, a large part of the crew from Starship Enterprise: The Next Century (aka The Next Generation or TNG) will again appear together for an adventure in front of the camera. The stage for this is the upcoming season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, in which Patrick Stewart once again returns to his legendary role.

Here in the article you can watch the newly released German trailer from Paramount+ and read when and where you can stream the series. Because this time it starts with two streaming providers in parallel.

Check out the German trailer for Star Trek Picard Season 3 here:

Star Trek Picard – Season 3 Trailer (German) HD

What is Season 3 of the Amazon and Paramount+ sci-fi series about?

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard prepares to begin the next chapter in his life. One that involves fewer dangers and daring adventures. But then he surprisingly receives a strange message. A person from his past is in grave danger.

To save her, Picard must Contact members of his former Enterprise crew. He still has no idea what power will oppose him and threaten the fate of the Federation.

Why Picard is the biggest sci-fi reunion of the year

Become alongside Jean-Luc Picard following TNG figures appear together in the 3rd season of the science fiction series:

It is that first time since 2002 released feature film Star Trek: Nemesis that this cast is in front of the camera together. It should be mentioned, however, that Spiner is no longer seen as Data. Instead, he embodies Lore, Data’s evil brother.

Find out which Star Trek stars are definitely not returning in this article on the Picard Season 3 cast.

When and where is Star Trek: Picard season 3 streaming in Germany?

Already from the February 17th the 10 final Picard episodes will be broadcast weekly at Amazon Prime Video * and Paramount+ * published. In addition to Prime Video, for the first time there is another streaming provider that is making Picard available in Germany in time for the US release.

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