MMORPGs and online games are a place where millions of people meet and get to know each other every day. We at MeinMMO spoke to a couple who met in World of Warcraft.
While quests, raids and PvP are undoubtedly the core content of MMORPGs, it is the social interactions and co-play that make this content special. Many of us met good friends online who we played with in a guild and sometimes met outside of the game, such as a Star Citizen guild from Austria.
You get to know each other through joint activities, speak regularly in voice chats and have fun together. Thanks to the shared hobby, there are also tons of topics to talk about and it rarely gets boring. And sometimes it happens that two people fall in love and even get married in the end.
We talked about MeinMMO with one such couple from World of Warcraft.
“It was something banal like, ‘Cool name.'”
MeinMMO: Hello you two! Tell our readers who you are and what you do.
Cloudakera: Hello, I’m Cloudakera! I am 33 years old and originally from Hamburg. I am a qualified insurance and finance clerk and still work in the office today. I’ve been a passionate gamer since childhood. SNES and Super Mario World got everything rolling. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve played football for years and I still play sports regularly. Looking healthy is very important to me.
Aimedis: Hey, I’m Aimedis and I’m 29 years old. I live on beautiful Lake Constance and also studied economics there. I now work in the family business. I’m a passionate bookworm and a big Harry Potter fan – it’s thanks to my name in WoW that Cloudakera wrote to me at all (laughs).
MeinMMO: How did you each come to WoW?
Cloudakera: I started back in Wrath of the Lich King (Blood Elf Paladin) on a private server and loved the addon. But then I switched to Cataclysm on the official server and explored the alliance side with my worgen warrior.
Aimedis: My sister used to play WoW Classic with her boyfriend and I was so fascinated by it that I got to create a character too. At some point I gambled on her PC so often that I created my own account. So I’ve been playing since Classic and haven’t missed an addon.
FFXIV and Pokémon fans can even throw a real-life wedding in the style of their favorite games.
MeinMMO: How did you meet?
Cloudakera: It happened in 2012. I was just balancing on the rooftops with my worgen warrior in World of Warcraft in Stormwind and watching some guild chat. I was relatively new to the guild and since I’m quite shy I never write anything in the guild chat or whisper to other players.
But then I discovered the player name Hedwig in our guild chat. Since I am a huge Harry Potter fan myself, I wrote to the person without further ado. It was something mundane like, “Cool name.”
Hedwig (Gnome Schurkin) also answered me nicely and then we continued writing for hours. When it came time to say goodbye, the friend requests were briefly confirmed and you were offline.
Hedwig is the name of Harry Potter’s snowy owl, introduced directly in the first book (Philosopher’s Stone). Hagrid gave it to Harry for his 11th birthday. She brings Harry his mail and is also his faithful companion and friend.
Logged in again the next morning and this time I was messaged directly by the person. Wrote for hours again and then exchanged mobile numbers to say goodbye.
Learned via WhatsApp that we couldn’t live further away from each other. Me in the north of Germany and you in the south (about 800 km).
MeinMMO: How did your usual day together in WoW look like?
Common answer: We did dailies together, and farmed gear through dungeons and LFR. Of course always together in the TS or Discord. We’ve gotten so well attuned to each other that we understand each other without words when leveling up twinks together.
“The biggest problem was of course the distance”
MeinMMO: How long did it take until you decided to meet in real life for the first time?
Common answer: We got to know each other ingame in the summer of 2012 and the first real meeting took place in the summer of 2014 in Berlin. It turned out that we were both in Berlin at the time. I, Cloudakera, was working there at the time and my wife was there on vacation over the weekend.
MeinMMO: What were the biggest difficulties you had to overcome in the relationship?
Common answer: The biggest problem was of course the distance and also the idea of where this should lead and how (or especially where) a common future could look like. After all, we both had our lives and our families in completely different places.
MyMMO: What tips do you have for gaming couples in long distance relationships or those who met in online games?
Common answer: Take the plunge, meet up and take risks! Easier said than done, of course, but we’re delighted we took the risk and couldn’t have done it better.
MeinMMO: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers at the end?
Be nice to each other! Try to let the players make mistakes. Especially new or inexperienced players are often bullied or thrown out of groups. This zero error tolerance in MMORPGs is getting worse and messes up many a game. After all, we all play for one reason: to have fun! Say something nice and who knows, maybe you’ll meet your soulmate.
We would like to thank Aimedis and Cloudakera for the interview and wish them all the best in their marriage.
Do you also know married couples who met in MMORPGs or online games? Or did it even happen to you? Tell us your stories in the comments.
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