Baldur’s Gate 3 promises you maximum freedom. Also the freedom to take any rubbish that is lying around with you. Including boxes. One player has now taken full advantage of this opportunity and “decorated” his own room in the tavern.
This is what the room looks like: The player undernier commented: “What can I say? I love stuff” posted pictures of his room in a tavern. The room is your camp from a certain point in Act 3. This is where you retreat when you rest.
However, much of the actual open space from which you can get to the beds and areas of the individual companions is no longer visible at Undernier. He literally built new walls out of boxes.
There are pictures attached to them that he certainly left somewhere. The whole thing doesn’t even look messy:
What is lying around here? In one of the screenshots, the user shows an overview of the names of the items that are lying around there. These include some unique and legendary items, but also important things that you shouldn’t simply misplace:
The Nesserstein from Orin, which is located somewhere under the Loot Mountain, is particularly exciting. The item is extremely important for the story and ends the game immediately if you lose it. In the post, the player asks himself: “Well…where did I put the stone?”
Problems with looting? Here are tips to reduce your load:
3 tips to reduce your load in Baldur’s Gate 3
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“We need a player house”
The community is pretty amazed at what has been achieved. And not just because Undernier obviously put a lot of effort into collecting all the loot with “Kleptolach”, but also how it was draped.
Others would have difficulty hanging pictures at all. The player here immediately built his own walls and somehow systematically prepared everything to be presentable.
One comment states that player housing is urgently needed for such displays.
But it’s great that you can display all your loot even without mods if you put enough time and effort into it.
It’s only a problem when you compete against certain bosses. Then all the loot is simply packed into the box. The only thing undernier is that pets are not allowed – unless they are petrified during their visit. Basilisk oil is an excellent solution for this. This should make Scratch especially sad – and everyone else, because every NPC companion loves the dog, even Minthara.