The biggest Jurassic Park blunder has irked fans in 29 years

The biggest Jurassic Park blunder has irked fans in 29

The first Jurassic Park is a masterpiece of suspense and atmosphere that only Steven Spielberg can pull off. But like many other movie milestones, Spielberg’s adventure appears to have had a few glitches. The biggest one has been bothering even the most enthusiastic fans since its theatrical release. How can a T-Rex jump 10 meters through the air?

The biggest Jurassic Park mistake has a simple solution – one that’s easy to overlook

This is one of the most iconic scenes in the film. The T-Rex breaks out of its enclosure at night and in the rain and attacks the tour vehicle with the two Hammond children. He finally tries to push the car into his enclosure. Immediately after the broken fence, there is a drop of more than 10 meters. Which raises the question for fans: How did the dinosaur, weighing several tons, overcome this steep wall to break out?

The question has been so widespread over the past 29 years that various articles (via The Things) and videos have attempted to answer it. It’s surprisingly simple but hard to see in the finished film. There is a ledge next to the cliff that the T-Rex was able to climb over a hill.

Check out the explanation of the Jurassic Park bug in English here:

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This is particularly evident from the script and concept art of the scene. According to this, the projection is used, among other things, to feed the dinosaur. In the movie itself however, it can only be seen briefly and at the very edge of the picture.

© Universal Pictures

Left at the edge of the picture: The ledge at the T-Rex enclosure

So it’s less of a film glitch. It’s more of an inaccuracy that the staging doesn’t have room to resolve. This doesn’t do the film any harm, it definitely deserves its place in film history. However, based on the thousands of discussions on the Internet, it also becomes clear how much the alleged error concerns the fans. Maybe some secretly hoping for a high jump dinosaur.

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