The biggest differences between Disney’s original and remake explained

The biggest differences between Disneys original and remake explained

With Snow White Disney put his cartoon classic from the early hour, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1939). As a FSK 0 film for the whole family (with restrictions), the new fantasy adventure in the cinema is now waiting to be rediscovered.

If you didn’t manage to watch the old animation film at Disney+ * beforehand, or don’t want to wait for the streaming start at Disney+ as a cinema muffle, you will receive an overview of the biggest changes in 5 points Between original film and remake.

All of this was changed on Disney’s new Snow White

Even before the theatrical release on March 20, 2025, Schneewittchen was praised by the first reactions as a “best Disney remake for years”, which is not least due to the interaction of fairy tales and modernity. The changes to the remake keep the spirit of the template, but at the same time provide some set screws to let the main character of fantasy history breathe the spirit of modernity. The biggest changes here (Attention, spoiler):

1. Snow White is an active heroine in the Disney remake

In Disney’s cartoon, Snow White is primarily a girl who happened to things. The king’s daughter (Rachel Zegler) in the Disney remake is still fond of animal and beautiful, passive and no longer without concrete character traits. In the new edition the heroine becomes Even her fate Schmiedin. For example, this is expressed as follows:

  • While Snow White in the original film from 1937 on Desired fountain A prince trends, she now wishes to become the best version of herself – and thus to the “fearless, just, brave and true” ruler, to whom her parents have brought her up.
  • In the animated film, Schneewittchen cleans the messy dwarf house after her arrival. In the remake it sees Domestic help Something different: it leads the dwarfs when cleaning, instead of adopting everything itself.
  • Instead of never meeting her stepmother again after her apple poisoning and the accidental death of the fleeing witch, Snow White confronted the evil queen At the end of the new edition.
  • 2. Snow White’s Prince Charming is no longer a prince

    The figure of the prince, who in Disney’s animated film at the beginning as a desired candidate and in the end as the one who kisses Snow White, gets more appearances in the remake. The new Prince Charming is now called Jonathan (Andrew Burnap) is no longer a king’s son, but still charming … and a bandit.

  • The first encounter Snowewittchen and Jonathan take place between her as a degraded maid of service and as a potato thief. The intruder only discovers who she is, and Snow White helps him to flee.
  • The Schneewittchen film receives through Jonathan additionally a gang of thieveswhich he leads: after her stay at the dwarfs, the king’s daughter wants to search for her lost father and use Jonathan’s help, who has to be convinced of her “princess problems”. After joint forest adventures of a selfless act of the robber, there is increasing rapprochement.
  • So the two are allowed over the course of the film get to know and love. The previously criticized kisses of wax by a stranger becomes a real kiss of love.
  • 3. The dwarfs have less to do in the new Schneewittchen film

    While the original film is entitled Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the new film is called only Snow White-and with good reason: While the animated adventure in 1937 granted a lot of time to the silliness of the dwarfs (including lengthy washing and yodel sessions), the title daughter is clearly at the center and the Zipfeldützer Screentime.

    The seven (fully animated) dwarfs, namely boss, humming bear, Happy, Hatschi, sleeping cap, pimp and Seppl, still get their respective (gray -grumpy, sneezing, tired …). Clear secondary characterswho therefore doesn’t contribute much to victory over the evil queen. Which leads us to the next big Snow White change.

    4. The end of the evil queen in Schneewittchen

    Disney’s original film ends with the fact that the dwarfs, called up by the animals, will still find the witch at their home after their poisoning of Snow White. They pursue the villain through the forest until it finally by a self -indebted Accident death from a crumbling cliff falls. This is followed by the only thing that follows the waking up and the happy ending of the fairy tale.

    In the Schneewittchen remake, on the other hand, the dwarfs come too late and the evil queen (Gal Gadot) returns to the castle. Here your stepdaughter confronts her in a new showdown, after The apparent note was awakened by kiss. Instead of dying through a snow white dagger, the queen also leads her own death here by Magic mirror smashed and thereby splintered yourself. The bandits and the people also contribute to the previous victory.

    Snowewittchen review in the film start-podcast canvas (with Moviepilot guest):

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    5. Other smaller changes in the Snow White remake

  • Many of the old songs also sound in the remake (from “Heio” to yodel inlays), but they are Most songs of the musical new.
  • Snow White gets hers Names Not because of her noble pallor, but because she is born in a snowstorm.
  • In the original, the hunter of the evil queen brings the (never shown) heart of an animal instead of Schneewittchen’s heart. In the remake is located an apple in the box.
  • This time the dwarfs are clearly marked than mythical creatures: in the gemstone mine the dwarf hands shine at work.
  • Instead of just accepting red apples from dodgy old women, Schneewittchen’s devastating bite justifies itself with the fact that the witch is her that Family amulet as a proof of trust Bring with him that the heroine previously gave Jonathan (and that the queen decreases from him when capturing without snowWittchen).
  • In the animated film, the king’s daughter is an orphan after 15 minutes. In the new edition, she initially loses her mother while her Father lost goes, which hopes for a long time to see Snow White for a long time. It is only at the end that the new Queen/stepmother himself brought about the death of her husband a long time ago.
  • Instead of just referring to the outside, the magic mirror also judges the inner beauty From Schneewittchen, who is of course far inferior to the evil queen.
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