The biggest danger is paper towels, vinegar, disinfectant… We all make this mistake! One-on-one to break your cell phone

The biggest danger is paper towels vinegar disinfectant We all

Our mobile phones have become a part of us that we have not left with us for a long time. Cell phones, which we do not drop in bed, in the toilet, in public transport, are a breeding ground for bacteria. Cell phones can be in all these places and means that our phone collects all the bacteria and germs that settle on its surface.

Before Covid-19, disinfecting and sterilizing our stuff, including our phones, might not have been so important.

But since the pandemic, health experts have suggested that we should clean our phones at least once a day. Before you rush to wipe your cell phone with wet wipes, here’s what you need to know to clean your phone without damaging it.


It is important that you clean your phone properly because doing it wrong can cause your mobile phone to malfunction or get damaged. The most ideal cell phone cleaning should be to follow the instructions in the user manual.

Materials such as alcohol-based cleaners or paper towels can strip the coating that protects your mobile phone and cause damage. If you clean it properly, your phone will not only be free of germs and dirt, it will also last longer.


You should use a soft, lint-free cloth to remove fingerprint stains. Apple recommends using wipes containing 70% isopropyl alcohol and 75% ethyl alcohol when cleaning your mobile phone. It is suggested that the best for wiping your phone is a soft lint-free cloth dipped in soapy warm water. Regularly wiping the phone with a damp microfiber cloth helps remove fingerprints from the phone screen.


When it comes to removing lint and dust that gets stuck in your phone’s tiny ports, using tape is a very good trick. Place the tape along the creases and speaker to clean the mess between the phone’s screen and body. Gently wrap it for the ports and insert it inside. The stickiness of the tape attracts any lint or dust in these areas. For small speaker holes that cannot be reached with tape, use a toothpick to gently remove dust.


Do not use bleach or hydrogen peroxide products to clean your phone as they will cause damage. You can touch your phone after using hand sanitizer, but do not use it to clean the phone as the alcohol content is very strong. Glass cleaner and other products such as vinegar should definitely be avoided as these can spoil the protective coating on the phone. Of course it goes without saying but don’t immerse your phone in any liquid.


When it comes to wiping, never use paper towels even if you are desperate to clean your phone. Paper towels may seem harmless, but they can cause scratches if they come in contact with debris such as dust grains on the phone’s surface. Finally, don’t forget to unplug all cables and turn off your phone before starting the cleaning process.
