the big hiccup from a health insurance fund – L’Express

the big hiccup from a health insurance fund – LExpress

Revelations that caused an explosion in the medical world. The Seine-et-Marne Health Insurance has raised the possibility of reimbursing unconventional treatment sessions, also nicknamed “pseudo-sciences”. Including sophrology (relaxation method, mind-body practices, personal development, etc.), chiropractic (treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system) or even hypnotherapy (use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes) .

It was a message published on the website of the Seine-et-Marne fund, and relayed on social networks, which shed light on these controversial reimbursements. In its publications, social security encourages its policyholders who do not benefit from mutual coverage to request reimbursement for their “osteopathy, chiropractic, occupational therapy, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, sophrology and etiopathy”. Reimbursement which is valid for a limit of four sessions per year, each of which cannot exceed fifty euros, specifies the organization.

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“Low populism” and “betrayal”

But very quickly, a rain of criticism fell on the publications of the local health insurance fund. “Provocation”, “joke”, “real scandals”… The National Union of Rehabilitative Physiotherapist Masseurs (SNMKR) denounced on Tuesday a “policy aimed at putting health professions and everything else on the same footing”, while that general practitioner Thomas Pinto accused the fund concerned of “low-level populism by mixing well-being and health care”.

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In THE Parisianthe president of the National Council of the order of masseurs-physiotherapists (Cnomk), Pascale Mathieu criticizes the use of “extraordinary funding” which was used to reimburse “practices which have not never proven their effectiveness.” “It is a betrayal of the objectives of Health Insurance and it sends a catastrophic signal”, lectures the practitioner.

“Extralegal” aid

Seeing the controversy swell, the CPAM of Seine-et-Marne defended itself this Wednesday, February 14 on individual and exceptional manner, alternative practices for policyholders with limited resources”. According to information from our colleagues at Parisianonly 200 euros would have been used to cover chiropractic care, out of a total budget of one million euros last year.

The general director of Health Insurance, Thomas Fatôme, would have given instructions to stop the reimbursement of these practices “which have no proven scientific basis” indicated the organization to the Parisian. To the AFP, the National Fund admits a “communication clumsiness” at the local level. The message encouraging policyholders to be reimbursed for their alternative medicine sessions has notably been removed.

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Explanations, coupled with a timid mea culpa, which were however not enough to put out the fire sparked by these revelations. In The Parisian, Pascale Mathieu “doesn’t lose his temper”. “It is precisely because it is outside the framework that it must be reserved for useful things. Otherwise, let’s reimburse clairvoyance and the medium!”, mocks the president of the Cnomk.
