The big Fnatic releases an intimate video for Nightmare Season – A Horror Movie That Just Keeps Getting Worse

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In League of Legends, Fnatic is one of the most popular and successful teams in Europe. But everything went wrong in the 2023 Winter Split. The LoL team has now released an intimate video about the course of the season, which starts with hope but slides further and further into despair.

What was the mood like before the season?

  • Fnatic has played a pretty good role in LoL for the last few years: their game revolved entirely around the German botlaner “Upset”: It was said that Fnatic dies or lives with Upset. The team was successful nationally, but dropped out twice early at the Worlds.
  • Ahead of the season, Fnatic decided to blast the team, replacing Upset with the veteran Rekkles, who was once a club icon – and bringing in a new support.
  • On paper, Fnatic looked like a strong team with legendary and award-winning players like Wunder (Top) and Rekkles (Bot). They also had Humanoid in the midlane, who had won 2 championship titles in Mad Lions.
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    How was the season there? It went terribly. Fnatic was only able to win 2 of 9 games and was one of only 2 teams eliminated in regular time.

    The season ended with 4 losses in a row.

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    Fnatic starts the season with hope – but everything derails

    You can see that in the video: Fnatic’s 21-minute video shows how it all goes wrong.

    At the beginning of the video, the team finds itself new, radiating optimism. There is a long scene showing a table tennis match between experienced botlaner Rekkles and Spanish jungler Razork. Both of them are fooling around, teasing each other, the mood seems good.

    When the first defeats come, efforts are made to radiate optimism. Rekkles sets the tone: That’s all good, you’ve just screwed up a few matches, that’s what happens. It just had to have gone a little differently, then you would have won the match.

    When there were no victories even against the weakest competitors, the optimism became more and more cramped, the mood only seemed to be good.

    At the end there are perseverance slogans: “We can only win – everything we have lost is already lost”.

    After the season is finally screwed up, the camera captures the disappointment and desperation among the players. People are crying, silently looking at the camera. When the audience is in view, you can see disappointment and horror in the fans’ mines. The manager tries to appease the situation: It’s a new format, it’s only 3 weeks, if you change now, you can fix the year.

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    The pressure is palpable and everyone deals with it differently

    What makes the video so special? In the video you can see how the players deal with the high pressure and how the mood changes over the course of the short season.

    There are different strategies how players deal with defeats. You can see that in the 2 players who are most visible in the video:

  • The experienced Rekkles suffers introverted. Is always aware that the fans see him and expect more from him. Rekkles says he’s dissatisfied and feels he needs to do more. He plays mediocre at best – that’s not enough.
  • The Spanish jungler Razork (22) is always fooling around, making strange “cock” sayings, fantasizing about whether you would ban him if he just flashed into 3 opponents now. Even if the others often react little to him, the camera is constantly on the 22-year-old, who tries to keep the atmosphere in the team alive.
  • The other players like Wunder or Humanoid seem to be trying to somehow deal with the situation.

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    What was the terrible season? There are probably several reasons for this. It was later learned that the team composition was not optimal because the supporter “Rhuckz”, an inexperienced man, was already seeded and Fnatic had difficulty finding an ADC who wanted to play with him.

    In the video, it also seems as if the team had the feeling for a long time that they were actually playing quite well and just lacked the necessary luck.

    The fans seem to focus on the team manager Dardo, who promises “changes” in the video. In the comments to the video, some fans of Fnatic wish that a change of the team is to replace him.

    One can wonder how the season would have gone with Upset:

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