The big “Battlefield MMO” starts on Steam, but disappears after just one day

The MMO Enlisted (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One/Series X) launched on Steam on March 28th, but disappeared from the platform after just one day. The difficulties were too great, as the studio admits.

This is Enlisted:

  • Enlisted is a squad-based MMO from developers Gaijin Entertainment, known for War Thunder. The game released on PC and consoles later in 2021 after a few betas.
  • Players control not just one figure, but a squad of 3 to 9 soldiers. You fight against each other on large maps of the Second World War.
  • Enlisted was generally perceived as a positive change in the MMO genre: The idea of ​​replaying large military battles earned Enlisted early on the comparison to a “Battlefield MMO”, because Battlefield was also always known for large battles.
  • Enlisted: Reinforced – Steam Trailer

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    Enlisted was supposed to appear “strengthened,” but the version was too weak

    This was the release on Steam: Enlisted was released on March 28th as “Enlisted Reinforced” on Steam in early access. The idea was that the game had evolved so much since its release that they now wanted to introduce an improved version on Steam.

    But after only about 18 hours, the option to continue downloading Enlisted disappeared: Anyone who downloaded the Steam version at launch can continue playing. But it is currently not possible to get and install Enlisted on Steam.

    $20 for a Free2Play game

    What went wrong? It was explained to players in an email and a post on Steam on March 28th: ​​Many people were very dissatisfied with the Early Access version on Steam:

  • Players would complain about paid DLC
  • or that they couldn’t connect their accounts to the Steam version.
  • As writes, during the botched launch on Steam, the “standard version” of getting the game included a paid DLC pack, even though Enlisted is actually a Free2Play title.

    The developers are sorry for the problems, as they say with a sad cat photo.

    The early access version of Steam has therefore been removed. Anyone who bought the package can continue playing.

    There are “significant technical problems with it”; to link the accounts. In any case, the Steam version was never intended for so many players.

    What’s next? The developers want to resolve the link issue and “polish all aspects of Enlisted” before announcing a re-release on Steam.

    Was the crowd so high? Actually not, at its peak the game could reach 254 players. There are currently around 90 still playing.

    However, the reviews were lousy: out of 178 reviews, only 56% were negative. The main criticism was actually that the developer took “$20 for a Free2Play game”.

    More on Enlisted: Is the new MMO shooter as brutal and realistic as announced? That’s what testers say
