The best tips to say stop to viruses and winter diseases at home

The best tips to say stop to viruses and winter

As soon as the temperatures drop, the viruses return. And when a member of the family is sick, it is generally the whole family who catches the disease! Here are the right things to do to avoid spreading germs to each other, but also to have a healthy home and stay in top shape at home all winter long.

Ventilate your interior well

We cannot repeat it enough, but ventilating and renewing the indoor air is essential to avoid the transmission of a virus or germs at home. Even in winter, when it’s cold, do it daily. Airing every room in the house is essential against the coronavirus, but also the flu or other winter viruses. Especially since this season, we spend even more time at home. To eliminate viruses, it is recommended to open your windows for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a day. Know that even 5 minutes, when it is very cold, can dilute the aerosols of viruses present in your interior.
