The best tips for preserving food and saving money

The best tips for preserving food and saving money

To store and preserve your food for longer, there’s more than just the fridge. Here are some tips, but also conservation techniques to avoid wasting and save space in the kitchen. Overview.

It’s not just the fridge

When we come back from shopping, the refrigerator and kitchen cupboards are quickly filled to store food. But these aren’t the only places you can store your food. Have you thought about window sills to store your bottles or your fruits and vegetables to keep them cool? This tip should of course be avoided in the middle of a heatwave or during winter frosts. The pantry is also a good alternative to the refrigerator. In some apartments it is integrated into the kitchen. Otherwise, you can place it in a cool, well-ventilated room. Inside, you can store your fruits and vegetables, but also your canned goods, your condiments…
