The best Thor story of the year has nothing to do with Marvel

The best Thor story of the year has nothing to

Is Thor 4: Love and Thunder a Bad Movie? Depends who you ask. For some, Taika Waititi provided one pleasantly colorful and chatty variety in a year when there was open speculation on social media about a third world war. For others, Thor 4 was too slapstick and visually uninspired. Especially after the acclaimed predecessor Thor 3: Day of Decision.

But no matter how you feel about the current MCU adventure of Chris Hemsworth’s Marvel character: There is a Norse gods tale, the 2022 breath of fresh air into the pop culture image of Thor brought. And it not only has absolutely nothing to do with classic superheroes, but will also come to Amazon Prime Video – God of War as a fantasy series in the future.

God of War Ragnarök shows Thor as a beer-belly drunk – and still takes him seriously

The story of the PlayStation exclusive game from Santa Monica Studio revolves primarily around the Greek demigod Kratos and his son Atreus. However, the latter turns out to be Shapeshifter and god Loki out who, through his giant mother, could play several important roles in Ragnarök – the approaching war between giants and gods that heralds the end of the known world.

Sony/Santa Monica Studios

Thor in God of War Ragnarok

The most powerful god of all, Odin, sees Atreus as a possible way to escape his fate. So he pays him and Kratos a visit. is included Odin’s strongest son Thor, a huge, red-haired man with a huge bellywho has two main hobbies: drinking tons of alcohol and proving to others that nobody is stronger than him.

beer belly? Sounds suspiciously like the depressed MCU Thor from Avengers 4: Endgame, right? Yes. Only that God of War Ragnarök doesn’t portray him as a fat loser, but as a powerful elemental force, as the ruler of thunder, who still has enough wit and charm to drink a cup or two of mead with him. Whoever is a god need not worry about being attractive by any humanly devised norms. Those with power can indulge their desires and do whatever they want. If you’re as strong as Thor, you don’t need washboard abs.

The antithesis to Marvel: Those who like dark sagas of the gods will get their money’s worth with the Playstation game

In fact, this (red-haired) depiction of Thor comes closer to the Norse legends of the gods than Chris Hemsworth’s absurdly attractive Golden Retriever version. Does that make one Thor variant better than the other? Not necessarily. The story that God of War: Ragnarök weaves around Nordic gods with all their egotism, their vanity and their fantasies of subjugating the world is much more multifaceted, more abysmal and therefore more exciting than what Thor 4 deliberately delivers. At least for those who like it a bit darker. No offense, Christian Bale!

The Northman with Alexander Skarsgård is also about Norse mythology:

The Northman – Trailer (German) HD

Polytheistic worldviews have always told of the fallibility of their gods and goddesses. He who is superhuman is also superhuman in his wrongdoing. Every quarrel, every jealousy draws circles that can decide on the downfall of entire empires. In the MCU, the whole thing takes on a telenovela character, because the entire Marvel Universe is made up of powerful entities whose balance of power is in constant flux. The Real Housewives of Asgard, sort of.

God of War Ragnarök, on the other hand, shows a world in which the charismatic, dangerous, cunning Odin has been in power for far too long and not only exploits mythical animals for his purposes, but also subdues entire peoples like dwarves. It shows how Goddesses and gods conspire against each other can and play. How even the superhumans can suffer and where their power ends. And how the sensitivities affect all those among them. Drama series instead of action telenovela.

God of War comes to Amazon as a fantasy series and continues the best Norse mythology story ever

Sony/Santa Monica Studios

Also part of God of War: Freya (left) and Atreus aka Loki

This game is a must for anyone interested in Norse mythology. Not just because you’re in around 40 hours of play time can delve much deeper into Asgard, Midgard and the other realms of the Norse game world and their inhabitants. In the easier game modes, even people who do not gamble regularly can fully concentrate on the complex story.

If you don’t have a Playstation, you can at least look forward to it the announced Amazon series on the video game franchise looking forward. Rafe Judkins (The Wheel of Time) has already been confirmed as showrunner. He is supported by the screenwriter duo Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby (including Iron Man, The Expanse). Industry magazine The Hollywood Reporter shared the following about the plot:

When his beloved wife dies, Kratos embarks on a perilous journey with his estranged son to spread her ashes from the highest mountain peak, as was her dying wish. Kratos quickly realizes that behind this journey lies an epic taskwhich tests the relationship between father and son and forces Kratos to fight for the fate of the world with new gods and monsters.

The whole thing is co-produced not only by God of War game developer Santa Monica Studio, but also by Playstation Productions – a similar constellation as with the upcoming HBO adaptation of The Last of Us. Nothing is known about the cast and the start date of the series. One thing is clear, though: it’s going to be big. And the Asgard offspring from the MCU need to wrap up warm.

Which Thor version do you like better?
