The best sci-fi film in recent years captivates with powerful images and epic atmosphere

The best sci fi film in recent years captivates with powerful
Dune is the Star Wars of our time. A comparable hype about a space epic was last made when in 1977 even despisers of the genre ran to the cinema five or six times to see the unique fairy tale. Rightly so: Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s acclaimed book is a sci-fi highlight, whose powerful images and dense atmosphere impress everyone become. Dune tells a sci-fi opera with completely unique scenes

Dune is all about the desert planet Arrakis, whose decomposition product is the only resource in the universe that enables interplanetary travel. After decades of the sinister Harkonnen ruling the planet, the noble House Atreides, under Duke Leto (Oscar Isaac), is now appointed as patron. Together with his son Paul (Timothée Chalamet) and his mother Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), he reaches his new home. And will soon be horribly betrayed.

Villeneuve’s Dune is a heavyweight in every sense. Alongside the cast, which includes DC star Jason Momoa, does also the incredible cinematography by Greig Fraser (Zero Dark Thirty) turns the film into a brute epic that captivates viewers with its unique world of images.

For example, when the elite warriors of the Sardaukar receive their bizarre anointing before battle, you feel completely at home in the unforgiving, dark, wonderful world of Dune.

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When is Dune coming to Amazon Prime Video?

Dune will be released on March 26, 2023 on Amazon Prime Video. Sci-Fi fans don’t have to wait long for new desert planet adventures either. Dune 2 is already in the starting blocks.

The 10 biggest streaming films of 2023 on Netflix, Amazon & Co.

In this installment of our Moviepilot podcast, Stream Browsing, we take a look at the big movies coming exclusively to Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Apple TV+ this year. The result is a list of ten special recommendations.

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From the sci-fi epic to the potential Oscar nominee, everything is included. The talents gathered are particularly impressive. In 2023 we can expect new movies from Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Zack Snyder in the streaming space, while Gal Gadot, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth will be in front of the camera.

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