The best platforms to find a work-study program

The best platforms to find a work study program

The work-study program is a training system that combines a period in university and another in a company, in an NGO or in the public service. It’s a solution that allows you to gain experience. So, what are the best platforms to find a work-study?

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L’alternation constitutes a bridge between studies and entering the world of work. Indeed, she alternates periods in a company with periods of continuous training in university or specialized school. It is an excellent springboard for students since it allows them to create an experience during their studies.

It is also popular with employees undergoing professional retraining, since the student receives remuneration that allows them to meet their needs throughout the duration of the contract. It very often leads to a hiring since the student is already trained in the trade and in the values ​​of the company.

What are the two types of work-study?

There are two types ofalternation in France :

  • The apprenticeship contract: reserved for under 30s
  • The professionalization contract : for all ages

In both cases, the contracts can be of limited duration (CDD) or unlimited (CDI), at the choice of the company hosting the work-study worker. In addition, their duration is generally 2 years, but it is possible to obtain exemptions to complete the course in more or less time (minimum 6 months and maximum 3 years).

What are the best platforms for finding work-study?

There are many ways to find a work-study program and there are many dedicated sites. You will find below our top 10 of the best platforms to find a work-study program. The sites all offer advertisements from companies in different industries, and are completely free for applicants.

Some are linked to public bodies (APEC and Portail de l’Alternance), others are rather job search engines, where the “work-study” option is available. So, don’t waste any more time and start your research!

  1. The Alternance Portal
  2. APEC for young graduates
  3. The good alternation
  4. Keljob
  5. Indeed
  6. Monster
  7. Walt
  8. JobIRL
  10. The Student Internships
  11. KAP’Stages

Why opt for work-study?

Benefits for the work-study student

It is an opportunity to create experience while studying in the chosen field. Thus, the student can directly put into practice the theoretical lessons of his training. This type of contract greatly values ​​the CV and guarantees good integration into the labor market. In fact, work-study programs are highly valued by human resources managers, it is a plus that can make the difference between two candidates with equal skills.

In addition, the work-study program allows the student to be paid, which makes a big difference compared to a traditional university course. Indeed, many students are forced to work in odd jobs in parallel with their studies, to finance themselves.

Benefits for the company

On the employer’s side, work-study programs also have great advantages in terms of human resources. This type of contract makes it possible to train a future employee as soon as he enters the labor market, to integrate him into the company and its values.

On the other hand, from a financial point of view, companies are encouraged by state aid to take on work-study contracts. Both for the work-study contract and for the professionalization contract, there are numerous tax deductions, contribution exemptions, tax credit and assistance from Pôle Emploi for the hiring of job seekers.

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