In League of Legends there are champions who are unbeatable in one lane and ruthlessly fail in other lanes. A special Darkin champion performs particularly well in the middle – but not at all as a jungler. You can find out who it is on MeinMMO.
Who is the dreaded mid laner? LoL’s newest assassin, Naafiri, is one of the strongest mid laners in the game right now, according to, with an impressive 52.31 percent winrate across all ranks.
As an Assassin, Naafiri can perform with her kit in the jungle and midlane. The data clearly shows that she currently only shines as a mid laner – and that will probably remain the case for the time being. She is the red bitch of the Hundred Bites who fights with a pack and makes life difficult for some ADC players.
Like Kayne and Varus, Naafiri is one of the Darkin champions. Their gameplay is designed to be easier to learn than the infamous King of Assassins: Zed. However, Naafiri is currently banned very often because of her strength.
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Naafiri: Dog of a Hundred Bites
What makes Naafiri so strong? This makes Naafiri one of the strongest midlaners, closely followed by Zed, Fizz, Xerath, and Malzahar. The AD midlaner probably attracts the same types of players that enjoy playing other assassins such as Zed and Qiyana.
Naafiri proves to be a beginner-friendly assassin, but she’s terribly difficult to master mechanically. Her dash on E and her movement speed boost in the ultimate make her incredibly mobile.
What also makes her strong is the fact: she is the newest champion and many don’t know how to play against her. Their strength will probably level off over time once most LoL players know their kit.
Is there a balancing planned for Naafiri? A nerf was originally planned for the Darkin champion on August 2nd in patch 13.15. However, Riot rowed back and Naafiri was spared the Nerf hammer.
Naafiri design manager Stephen Auker shared a statement on Twitter ( as to why they are scrapping the Nerf plans:
Earlier in the week we said you can expect nerfs. We expected the win rate to increase even further. After a few days of observations, her winrate has now stabilized. Their win rate has settled between 51 percent and 51.5 percent in the average MMR. In the high ranks, she performs between 49 percent and 49.5 percent.
Stephen Auker
In this Twitter post, Stephen Auker also emphasizes that Naafiri doesn’t get any jungle buffs for the time being, despite her poor performance. Riot is focused on keeping her in the mid lane and unleashing her talent there.
What do you think about Naafiri? Do you want buffs for the jungle or is she in good hands in the midlane? Do you think she’s in good shape? Please leave a comment on the topic.
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