Since Season 2 you can farm the coveted Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 from Duriel. As a little Christmas present, Blizzard has now increased the drop rates here – by an impressive 100%. The players are already noticing that it’s working.
What kind of items are these?
This is how you get the Uber Uniques: With Season 2, Blizzard introduced the ability to specifically farm Uber Uniques. The new Uber-Boss Duriel has an increased drop chance for the items, but you have to summon him first.
With a hotfix on December 20th, Blizzard increased the drop chance of Uber Uniques on Duriel by 100%. So you can now farm twice as effectively. However, the “buff” is only valid until January 8th, so you have to hurry.
In addition to the increased drop rate, there was also a small change to the vampiric power Metamorphosis and a bug fix (via Blizzard).
In keeping with this, you can also level up particularly well thanks to the Midwinter Plague:
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“Had my first Shako after 15 minutes”
Players are already talking actively about the buff on Reddit. There are several threads discussing the unexpected hotfix. The players immediately notice that it works.
One user notes: after 300 runs with just one ring, with the hotfix he got a Shako after just 15 minutes, the most sought-after item in Diablo 4.
However, there are also players who complain. Summoning Duriel is too tiring and after so much farming you don’t feel like even trying anymore.
One comment cynically says: “Wow, now I can’t get Shako twice as fast!” Others think they won’t come back until Season 3. Farming again now is too strenuous for them.
The corresponding users are themselves criticized by the community. Blizzard has brought a buff that literally has nothing wrong with it. You just get items twice as quickly that no one “needs” but that are really cool. Complaining about it is totally wrong. Especially since the items aren’t necessary to become strong anyway – one player even mastered the hardest content with the wrong pants.