The best horror film of 2024 so far is streaming on Disney+: It is so scary and disturbing that you even believe in the devil

The best horror film of 2024 so far is streaming

When a horror franchise reaches its sixth film, it is usually no longer worth mentioning. However, the first Omen, which tells the prequel to the 1976 genre classic The Omen, is a rare exception.

As an independent, disturbing shocker There hasn’t been a better and more haunting horror film this year in the cinema. You can now catch up on the work of director Arkasha Stevenson (Brand New Cherry Flavor) with a streaming subscription.

Horror prequel to an almost 50-year-old classic: This is what The First Omen is about

The action takes place in Rome in 1971, where the American novice Margaret (Nell Tiger Free) wants to take her vows in a Catholic orphanage. However, strange occurrences involving brutal or fatal incidents quickly begin to pile up.

The main character soon realizes that she is in a diabolical conspiracy However, she realizes too late how deeply she has become involved in the events.

The first omen is impressively stylish and frightening

After the extremely disturbing opening scene, in which Game of Thrones star Charles Dance, playing a priest, suffers a violent death, it is hard to believe that director Arkasha Stevenson has made her feature film debut here.

Watch a German trailer for The First Omen here:

The First Omen – Trailer (German) HD

The first Omen is stylish with calm camera movements, artfully prepared settings and profound horror images like the work a decades-long active genre veteran With a running time of 120 minutes, Stevenson takes his time to focus on the slowly increasing irritation and inevitable escalation of Margaret’s journey.

There are no entertaining jump scares here, instead the film gets under your skin in an increasingly unpleasant way. When the satanic cards are on the table in The First Omen, later horror sequences are so shocking that as if the devil himself had actually taken up residence in some of the impressions.

As a prequel to a genre classic, the film could easily have been a loveless, run-of-the-mill product designed to cash in quickly on the brand name. But The First Omen has turned out to be nothing less than the best horror film of the year so far.

Podcast: The best streaming films of 2024 on Netflix, Amazon and Co.

We’re taking a first look back at the streaming year 2024 and presenting you the five best streaming films that have been released to date on Netflix, Amazon, and others.

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Hard-hitting fighting action from Germany, a thoughtful science fiction adventure with Adam Sandler and new films from three major directors: There have already been some strong films to discover in the streaming sector this year.

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