The best historical documentaries to watch in March

The best historical documentaries to watch in March

Our selection of the best historical documentaries on Amazon Prime Video should certainly interest you! The streaming platform is full of documentaries on all themes and some are well worth a history lesson. Our list of 5 excellent historical documentaries is to be quickly discovered to know important historical events. Make yourself comfortable and get ready to turn on your television!

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The current dramatic events should push us to review certain historical points to better understand the situation. Historical documentaries transmit a wealth of information and retrace the stories of the past. Now the synthetic images are more and more impressive and often specialists and historians are interviewed.

The Stuka

In 1940, during World War II, the Stuka was the most common dive bomber of the Luftwaffe. This name is an abbreviation of Sturzkampfflugzeug. This high-performance aircraft participated in the Battle of Britain, it is able to dive almost vertically to reach its objective. It is one of the Blitzkrieg weapons imagined by the Germans. This bomber swoops down on a target like a bird on a prey, it was not possible before the invention of the dive bomber. During this period, many new devices were created by the military-industrial complex.

Putin’s System

Vladimir Putin is the President of the Russian Federation, he succeeded Boris Yeltsin and he is a former colonel in the secret services. In this documentary, you will explore Russian politics under President Putin. How did Vladimir Putin gain such power and how far is he willing to go to restore a Soviet-style Russia? This documentary film from 2007 investigates the political career of this very authoritarian leader. After the collapse of the USSR, his mission is to restore Russia’s place on the international scene. Learn about Putin’s methods of shaping Russia the way he wants.

RBG – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Discover the fascinating life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, at 85 she becomes a pop culture icon. She built an incredible legal heritage and fought for gender equality and against all forms of discrimination. Judge at the Supreme Court of the United States, she has now become a very influential woman! Directors Betsy West and Julie Cohen shed light on this woman with incredible influence in American politics. The documentary retraces the professional and intimate life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the one who is now called “Notorious RBG”.

Klaus Barbie: The Hunt

You will discover the story of Klaus Barbie, a man who sent and tortured more than 7,500 Jews to the camps or deported 14,000 French resistance fighters. This secret history is revealed in this documentary. Klaus Barbie benefited from the scandalous protection of the German and American secret services. He became a CIA agent and acted as a torturer for dictators and arms traffickers. It was only in 1987 that he was convicted of 17 crimes against humanity, he ended his life in prison.

The long war, Iran, Israel, USA

This documentary is very useful for understanding the new Middle East, it traces the history of relations between Iran, Israel and the United States since the Iranian revolution (1979). You will understand the incessant and multiple local conflicts thanks to this documentary film which deciphers this long undeclared war. Iran and Israel were friendly countries more than forty years ago, however everything changed in Tehran because of the popular revolt and then the advent of the Shiite Islamic Republic.

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