The best games on Metacritic over the last 5 years

We’ve compiled a list of the best games on Metacritic over the last 5 years. For each year we have selected the top game based on the Metascore and presented it here.

According to which criteria was it selected? We used Metacritic’s search algorithm to identify each year’s top games. All platforms were included in the selection. We have written for each title which version performs best on Metacritic.

Each featured title has a description and a trailer. In addition, we provide points that speak for or against a game and explain who the game could be particularly suitable for.


2022: Portal Companion Collection

Developer: valves | Genre: adventures, jigsaw puzzles | Top Platform on Metacritic: switches | Version release date: June 28, 2022 | meta score: 96

The Portal Companion Collection contains the two games Portal and Portal 2 and was released exclusively for the Switch. However, you can also get the two parts for PC.

The games are all about spatial thinking, “in portals”. You must strategically place the passageways in the rooms using the “Portal Guns” to get to the exit. But you will be challenged by one or the other obstacle that you have to overcome cleverly.

In Portal 2 you can play your way through the rooms together with one other person and twice the number of portals and solve the tricky puzzles.

Portal 2 even takes first place in the ranking of the best games on Steam.


  • Tricky puzzles and interesting brain teasers
  • Portal 2 can be played alone or with two players
  • Especially fun in co-op
  • cons

  • Little replayability as puzzles stay the same
  • Who is the Portal Companion Collection for? All those who like to challenge themselves with tricky tasks and want to test their spatial thinking skills are in good hands with the portal games.

    2021: Disco Elysium: The Final Cut

    Developer: BRIDLE | Genre: RPG | Top Platform on Metacritic: personal computer | Version release date: March 30, 2021 | Other platforms: iPhone/iPad, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | meta score: 97

    What is Disco Elysium: The Final Cut? In the role-playing game you are a detective. You can interrogate suspects, solve murder cases and fight for justice – or do the complete opposite.

    You can just as well accept bribes in Disco Elysium as a corrupt investigator, start fights with the NPCs and become the most unscrupulous detective in the run-down town of Revachol.

    A special element in the game is an extraordinary ability that you have as a detective. As a player, you hear the different thoughts and speak to different aspects of yourself to gain helpful information.

    The “Final Cut” version delivers a remastered and improved version of the original RPG.

    Here’s a detailed article about the game:

    Disco Elysium is the new hit on Steam – that’s why everyone is raving about the RPG

    DISCO ELYSIUM – Launch Trailer

    More videos


  • Exciting story
  • Interesting concept with the inner voices
  • Lots of freedom in gameplay
  • cons

  • Lots of text to read, which some can get bored of quickly
  • Who is Disco Elysium: The Final Cut for? Anyone who likes to play single-player role-playing games and would like to have a lot of freedom could have fun with Disco-Elysium. Crime fans could also get their money’s worth here.
