The best film of the 2010s continues – but differently than you think

The best film of the 2010s continues but differently

With The Social Network, director David Fincher and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin have created a masterpiece about the creation of Facebook. The film even made it to number 1 in our Moviepilot list of the 100 best films of the last 10 years.

Now there is exciting news about the work, because Sorkin has one Sort of quasi-sequel to The Social Network announced. It’s about a drastic real event from recent years.

Is The Social Network 2 coming? Aaron Sorkin is working on a Facebook film about the storming of the Capitol

As the Hollywood Reporter reports, the screenwriter has now spoken about his plan for a new film that takes up the events of January 6, 2021. At that time he was US Congress stormed by Donald Trump supporters, after the president, who had already been voted out but was still in office, called for it. The event was classified as domestic terrorism by the FBI.

As a guest on The Town podcast, Sorkin spoke about how his new script will be a quasi-sequel to The Social Network, as he blames Facebook for most of the developments:

Among other things, Facebook has optimized its algorithm to to promote the most fissile material possible. Because that’s what increases engagement. This is what leads you to what they call ‘infinite scrolling’ in the hallways of Facebook… At Facebook there is supposed to be a constant tension between growth and integrity. There isn’t. There is just growth.

Sorkin previously worked on a script about the events of January 6, 2021, which came to nothing. His current perspective, that Facebook and polarization on social networks comes into focus, could now miss the project’s decisive step forward.

When will the quasi-sequel to The Social Network be released in cinemas?

A release of the new Aaron Sorkin project will probably be a long time coming. The script is currently in a very early stage of development. A studio for distribution has not yet been found and it is There’s no guarantee that a film will be made in the end. Maybe Sorkin will also develop the material into a series. Therefore, we do not expect a possible theatrical release before 2026.
