Season 13 of League of Legends started today with Patch 13.1. We show you which champions are currently best suited to successfully climb the rankings.
Patch 13.1 went live in League of Legends today, January 11, 2023. This also heralded the start of the new Ranked Season 13. The patch brought some balance changes for various champions and items.
To help you get the most out of your early rank rise, we’ve handpicked the best champions for each role. We use the champion tier list from as a guide.
We limited ourselves to choosing the 2 best champions that are best suited for the role and at the same time are easy to learn so that you can achieve success faster.
Riot recently released the cinematic for the new season, but it wasn’t particularly well received. You can watch it here:
LoL Season 2023: The Cinematic “The Brink of Infinity”
The best top planners in Season 13
The best champions from the preseason, K’Sante, Aatrox, and Fiora, have all been nerfed in the latest patch. This leaves room again for champions that aren’t just pure tank or anti-tank. Olaf and Camille both offer great potential to run away with the game by a small margin. Add to that the nerf to Jak’Sho for non-tank champions.
The best junglers in season 13
Both Maokai and Udyr are in particularly good positions right now. Fast jungle clears and effective ganks coupled with a natural tankiness make them strong junglers for veterans and novices alike.
The best mid laners in season 13
Kassadin and Vex were already very strong midlane picks in the preseason. The changes to the items “Rod of Ages” and “Seraph’s Embrace” come in very handy. Both items give you even better scaling in the mid and late game and let you endure more. They also need this when fighting their opponents at close range.
The best botlaners in season 13
The nerf to Jak’Sho also benefits these two botlaners. With their mix of physical and magical damage, they regain an advantage that they lost with Jak’Sho. Both work very well with different supports and have their own ways of repositioning against enemies.
The best supports in Season 13
Here we have two classic Enchanter supports. The rest of the roles are very much dominated by champions in melee range. Nami and Janna have various options to disrupt the opposing team with large-scale CC attacks or to protect their own damage dealers and at the same time have more damage dealt.
An overview of the most important changes in Patch 13.1 can be found here:
LoL: Season 13 starts today – everything about patch 13.1