The best breast pumps for breastfeeding babies

The best breast pumps for breastfeeding babies

A breast pump is essential for a mother who wishes to continue breastfeeding at the end of her maternity leave or pass the baton to the father for breastfeeding. Manual or electric… To help you find the model that suits you, find our selection of the best breast pumps.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for babies up to 6 months of age. Mums who choose to breastfeed can use a breast pump for several reasons: to be able to take turns with dad for night feedings and to allow him, too, to feed his baby, to be able to be absent occasionally without fear of stopping breastfeeding, to be able to continue breastfeeding after returning to work, to unclog their breasts… The breast pump is almost essential! But when choosing it, many mothers do not know where to start. The first thing to do is to decide between an electric breast pump, which allows you to express your milk quickly without effort and stimulate lactation, and a manual breast pump, which is compact and light and allows you to express your milk at his own pace. You should also know that there are double electric breast pumps, which allow you to express your milk from both breasts at the same time. A time saver, since it stimulates the production of breast milk even more, and can be practical for mothers of twins or parents in a hurry. Once the choice is made, you have to make sure that the breast shield is preferably made of silicone and, above all, comfortable. It must adapt to the shape of the mother’s breast. Also check that the breast pump can be easily disassembled for cleaning. To approach this stage of breastfeeding serenely, discover our selection of the best breast pumps!
