The best baby milk powders

The best baby milk powders

Classic infant milk, lactose-free, goat’s milk, vegetable… Not easy to navigate when choosing the right infant formula for baby! Find all our advice.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding until at least 6 months. However, not all parents are willing or able to breastfeed their child. In this case, you have to find the milk that will suit your baby! And it’s not easy to find your way around all the choice of infant milks available to us… First of all, there are several categories: 1st age milk for newborns from birth to 6 months, 2nd age milk (or follow-on milk) for infants from 6 to 12 months and finally, 3rd age milk (or growth milk) for babies from 12 to 36 months. Depending on your preferences and what is best for your child, there are organic infant milks, others with goat’s milk, or with vegetable proteins, formulas often adapted for babies allergic to lactose. Finally, digestive problems can be taken into account when choosing infant milk. For example, if he has regurgitation, a thickened formula is recommended. Don’t hesitate to talk about it and ask your doctor for advice before choosing the right milk powder.
