The beer market grows: +2% in 2024 and support for the short chain made in Italy

The beer market grows 2 in 2024 and support for

(Finance) – The Purchases of beer in 2024 with an increase in volume of 2% which represents a positive sign for a sector that is focusing on conscious consumption and on the link with the territory starting from the experiences of a short chain from the field to the glass. This is what emerges from an analysis of Coldiretti and Italian Beer Consortium On Ismea data relating to the first nine months released on the occasion of the meeting in Gualdo Cattaneo, with the participation of Ettore Prandini, National President of Coldiretti, of the Hon. Mirco Carloni, president of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber and Teo Musso, president of Consortium Italiana Italiana, together with Pompeo Farchioni, president of the agri -food group Farchioni, and Albano Agabiti, president of Coldiretti Umbria.

A moment of comparison with the producers from all over Italy to trace the development lines of the sector but also to underline the positive impact of some measures adopted, starting with the Reduction of excise duty for small craft breweriesentered into force from January 1, 2025.

A measure strongly supported by Coldiretti and the Italian beer consortium and past thanks to the commitment of the honorable Carloni and the parliamentarians who worked on the amendment, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty. But important support for the sector could also come from the next arrival of the agricultural beer law.

That of craft beer is a reality in strong ascent in the tastes of Italians, with almost 1200 Birrifici active throughout Italyoften guided by young people, of whom about ¼ is agricultural, that is, it produces the necessary raw materials by itself, according to the analysis of the Italian beer consortium, with a constantly growing percentage.

Craft beer has increasingly entered Italian homes, with one Production of 48 million liters, of which almost 3 million liters intended for exports and, a value of over 430 million euros on the outside home market, guaranteeing 92,000 jobs between direct and indirect employees.

The goal of Coldiretti and Italian Beer Consortium is that of promote further growth in the sector focusing on the expansion of the availability of Italian raw material, starting from the barley, as well as hops, favoring the conditions for a diffusion of this type of crops as an indispensable basis for increasing the production of 100% made in Italy beer.
