The beach scene with the guys gave me chills

The beach scene with the guys gave me chills

This text is a column with opinions that are the writer’s own and not Nyheter24’s.

Sooooo, let’s see how we feel after this week’s episode of Robinson 2024.

I’ll be honest and say that I still have a little trouble sorting out the feelings after Pelle Flood and Gustav Jacobson smoked. During tonight’s episode, it was clear as hell that Alma would also have to take her pick and pack and leave the island. This after coming last in a difficult obstacle course.

But even though the good, wise and wonderful Alma was forced to leave, there were other things that made a small lump in the stomach become a fact.

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Alma stayed behind as she was so sad and disappointed. Image source: TV4

Before the starting gun for the obstacle course roared through the jungle so asked Anders Lundin how Marcus Håkanson wanted to use his advantage he won in a previous competition. Either he would get to start ten seconds before everyone else or he had to choose a participant who would get to start ten seconds later than everyone else.

His pick landed on Alexander Strandberg whose eyes turned red.

– It’s ok… it’s ok, he replied with clenched jaws.

DO NOT MISS: Tove Dalsryd about Alexander Strandberg: “Degrading”

There is a bad atmosphere in the camp. Image source: TV4

But it was not peaceful. It was anything but calm. God, how uneasy it was.

Of course, Alexander gets PIG-CURSED at the whole thing and decides at the same second to hunt, catch and eat Markus for breakfast as soon as he gets the chance. Which in his position is probably understandable after having been in Gränslandet since the tire feud.

But here it becomes difficult for my fear of conflict.

– The animal has been awakened in me for the next competition after Marcus gave me ten seconds….You can choose to take something from someone or just benefit yourself. And he chooses to give it to me. Personally, I have always thought of the team before myself. But Marcus now believes that he will be able to move on tomorrow with his advantage, he won again today. But I will chase you. Just so you know, Alexander said.

Marcus then gets a chance to answer.

– You can also see it as if I gave something to the girls, he says at the same time as you can see rather dissatisfied expressions on the female participants who don’t immediately feel that it was a nice gesture but more of a pat on the head.

Robinson 2024. Image source: TV4

Despite the fact that it is a game where, just like in, for example, The Farm and Sweden’s Master Chef, you SHOULD make it difficult for your opponents, the atmosphere in the camp is electric. People are so pissed off at Marcus that it gives me chills.

But how happy do you get?

The girls are angry because they were patted on the head, Alexander cooks and hungers for revenge and Marcus sits and chops at a coconut knowing full well that if there is an ear infection and he is not immune, he is pretty much toast.

So far this season of Robinson 2024 has topped ALL expectations. But this episode actually just made me feel bad.

To be continued…
