The battle of the ‘Vampire Millionaire’, who takes 111 pills a day to stay young, to death! Spends $2 million a year: “My goal is never to die…”

The battle of the Vampire Millionaire who takes 111 pills

Known as the Vampire Millionaire, American Bryan Johnson is obsessed with reversing aging and living forever. “I’m rebelling against the culture of death,” said 45-year-old Johnson, who spends nearly $2 million a year for this cause.

Bryan Johnson, who made his debut with exercise and diet practices that drew attention to the agenda before, works with a team of 30 doctors. He spends 2 million dollars a year with his project called ‘Project Blueprint’.



Bryan Johnson, who made his debut with exercise and diet practices that drew attention to the agenda before, works with a team of 30 doctors. He spends 2 million dollars a year with his project called ‘Project Blueprint’.


Stating that his main goal is never to die, the youth-obsessed Johnson stated that he did everything possible to prolong life.


Obsessed with staying young, Johnson announced that he took 111 pills a day for this cause.


Stating that he consumes approximately 1 kilogram of vegetables every day to maintain his form, the businessman stated that he built his life on sleep. Johnson said he went to bed on an empty stomach and said, “I don’t share my bed with anyone.”



The businessman, who had his 18-year-old son injected himself with blood plasma in order to stay young, stated that they did not see any benefit from the procedure they had done, and announced that they had given up on blood infusion.


The obsessed millionaire thinks blood plasma injection could work on older bodies.


A 37-Year-Old HEART, 28-Year-Old SKIN, Claims to have the Condition of an 18-Year-Old

Vampire Millionaire, who never exceeds his daily calorie intake, explained that he sleeps at 5 am every morning and wakes up at half past 8.

He stated that he eats a vegan diet and exercises regularly in order to maintain his form.


Claiming that a 37-year-old has heart health, a 28-year-old’s skin, and an 18-year-old’s fitness, with the 2-year-long ‘Project Blueprint’ application, Johnson said, “I think it’s absolutely possible to live forever.”

Johnson, who also consumes about 1 kilogram of vegetables a day, said that he meets his sweet needs from dark chocolate.
